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Abubakar POV

"Ya Abu this isn't fair, honestly speaking."my cousin Amrah say as she park the shopping bags and i hold the little girl with few of the shopping bag.

"When is your husband coming to carry you?
I thought you said you are staying for a week?
It's 10days today."I say as i trail behind her with the little girl who keeps dragging my beard.

"Ya Abu wait here for me,
I need to use the restroom."she say and drop the shopping bags on the pavement making me to sigh as she saunter to wherever.

Amrah is my dad junior brother only daughter, she's my only female cousin, she's just a 17years old girl who refused to further her education and decide to get married, I remove my ringing phone from my pocket and swipe it with a sigh.

"Hello ummah."I say and adjust the little girl as my eyes caught the sight coming toward the mall entrance.

I watch as the man slightly adjust the veil on her head as she hold his shoulder in support and adjust her sandals, he help her with the handbag and she collect the little girl from him Making me to quickly avert my gaze as i try to concentrate and focus on my mum voice from the phone.

"Are you listening baba-nah?"my mum voice say and i humm in response releasing a heavy deep breathe.

"I say stop by and buy me the yoghurt please don't forget."she say and i sigh.

"Okay."I say and end the call as i glance again to the direction and our eyes meet, I quickly look away and smile at the little girl in my hand.

"Abu."the familiar voice call and i look back, I stare at Nanah for a while before turning my gaze to the man next to her.

"Hi."he say with a smile giving me his hand for a handshake and i decline turning my gaze away.

What is she even trying to prove?
Women are complicated,
I will wait for you but she's now married with a baby"

I thought as Amrah approach me Making me to sigh in relief.

"Let's go."I say and grab the few shopping bag and Amrah grab the rest as she grumble bitterly about how tired she is.

"Bye ."I say with a wave to them and walk away not interested in whatever conversation she want to start.

"Who's she?"Amrah ask and i glare at her making her to keep shut as we walk to the parking lot.

Through out the drive back home I keep thinking of Nanah,
The promises she made,
I thought she will actually wait for me,
I thought she would understand that i was going through an emotional wrecking moment in my life, but she didn't, I will rather move on to,
Life isn't always going to go as we want, as we drive back home I decide to take a bold step in my life and start searching for a girl that i will settle down with, I'm clocking 38 so it's only fair if i find a woman for myself.


"What is the problem?"hajiya halima ask khadijah who drop the shopping bags in the parlour and the little girl.

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