CHAPTER II: Nine of Wands

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Jared looks down on the ground as the moon above him is shining brightly, lighting the place in a way it always has. While Jack is walking next to him, the two are taking a midnight stroll to talk about the important topic that Jack wanted to mention before, but Jared just refused to have any conversation about. He knows that it's inevitable, though. Despite his harsh words and tendency to snarl at Jared and his other friends, Jack has always meant his friends and family well. That includes Jared.

"I understand that you care about them, Jared," Jack says as the two are walking past some lit lanterns, "but you know that this only brings them in danger. You should've let them follow their own path: I'm sure the gods above already had something planned for them. Having brought them here, will only cause more harm."

"But they wanted this too," Jared protests, avoiding Jack's concerned eyes, as he raises his shoulders a little. "They already studied and had no idea what they wanted to do in life. Suggesting them to come here, only sounded like a good idea!"

"But it's not, and you know this. Not a single friend that you've brought here, no matter how nice or fake they turned out to be, have survived more than a week. No matter how good your intentions are, or how smart your plan seemed, it's too risky. You know they're welcome in the Apart Maniplex, but that is likely the safest place for them to be, and even that isn't that safe, as has been proven many times in the past." Jared crosses his arms and looks away from the person he considers an older brother.

"Can't we just protect them? I mean, I know it didn't work in the past, but surely there's something we can do?"

"I'm not going to risk my life for a human, Jared. I've crawled out of Hell once before, and I will do it again if it's necessary, but I'd rather avoid getting into that situation again. You should agree."

"But I don't."

"Jared, the only reason the Crowfather doesn't have your head on a stick yet, is because more humans means less energy to waste on leaving the town. But as soon as he realizes you'd prefer them just living amongst us, we both know he's not going to spare you or them." Jared lets out a sigh and makes himself a little smaller. Even if they're both keeping their voices down and nobody would be interested in their conversation to begin with, Jack's anxiety to be heard by the Crowfather is evident. Jared does not share this fear.

"Well, if those bastards ever try doing anything to Y/N, I swear to god I will fuck them. Up. Fuck them up."

"Yeah, sure, pretty boy," Jack laughs as he ruffles Jared's hair. "Why are you so close with them anyway? You met them in a playground, you said?"

"They were the only one who could see me. I don't know how or why, but you know the stories of children seeing stuff that adults can't."

"Which is mostly just the lively imagination of children, but sure."

"Well, it's just that they've always made me feel seen, you know? In the town, I mostly get ignored or people roll their eyes when they see me, or they just throw a slur in my direction, or tell me to leave them alone, but they were just nice to me. And they make me happy. And I want to do the same for them, but I can't do that unless I'm at that playground, where they won't go anymore unless it's for nostalgic reasons."

"Which is why you brought them here," Jack finally concludes and Jared nods his head. "I still think it's a mistake, Jared."

"I know. You've told me enough already."

"I'm not going to throw them out, but I'm not going to protect them either and you shouldn't either." When Jared looks up angrily, Jack puts his hand on the man's back. "I understand. You don't want to let any harm come to them. But will sacrificing yourself really make them happy?" Jared remains silent. "Don't make that mistake, Jared. You brought them here and I'm sure they are capable enough to protect themselves. If not, I'm sure Niki will try to stick up for them, or at least talk favourably about them to Techno or Wilbur, but you have to realize that you can't put your life on the line for them."

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