CHAPTER LII: Ace of Swords

326 21 11

Y/N looks tired
By Avery!


You can't help but smirk slightly after seeing your cards, knowing you're going to win.

Tommy, Techno and Philza are sitting on the same table, as the sun is shining through. Jared, present in Phil's house after you kept on insisting, floats behind you, having more of a poker face than you have as you glance over at Tommy, your partner in this game this round, who is messily trying to organize his cards.

Two days have passed, and you've slowly felt that the odd sensations you've had for a while, during your residence in the church of Foolish and any time you walked through the centrum of Urvorum, have been slowly fading away. Sally, who visited Fundy yesterday, commented you seemed 'a lot less energetic, in the most positive way', so you assume she meant your energy.

However, you don't feel like she'd be wrong in the other way. You are exhausted, most of the time. Ever since the... shot, whatever that was, you've been feeling the life drain out of you, like you were actually bleeding, despite that not being the case. Techno says it's most likely just the shock still settling in: mental exhaustion, as he called it. But you don't think you fully agree.

Even if the Plant growing in the town makes you feel in a foreign way, which you'd much rather forget, you still find yourself dreaming of it. Dreaming of it calling you, feeling an odd safety by the thought of it, and it's come to the point where you insisted on having a chrysanthemum in your room. It's not even a need necessarily. It's not like you'd die was it not there: you feel just as tired in the presence of that one, small flower. But it's a comforting thought. You have no idea why, or how, but still.

To add to this, you expect that the confusion that came with Philza's sudden switch in opinion of you also truly brought your mind too much to process. However, oddly enough, you... understood his conversation. "It's about our... talk," he'd told you. "Where I shared the hatred I feel towards your father. And well, I suppose I've done some... self-reflection, ever since."

However, you know that there's something he's not telling you. Something he's keeping a secret. You're unsure what kind of a secret it is, but you don't think it's one that you'd like at all.

Tommy throws a card on the table: the queen of hearts. You can't help but grin as Techno and Philza both give two cards not of the same colour: a seven of spades and a nine of spades. Good, they're out of hearts. You and Tommy are the only ones who have those left, meaning there's no way you'll lose now.

Fundy sometimes walks into the room, looking enviously since he's not allowed to play with. Fundy and Wilbur in and of themselves have been forbidden from coming too close to you by Philza, since Wilbur already had no control over himself ever since the first energy outburst, and Fundy is still a younger vampire, too with less self-control. That, and even he was allowed to, he wouldn't be able to join, since this card game is only for four people.

As expected, you and Tommy end up winning again. Techno and Phil have won quite a few times too, but it's clear they're still new to the game, and you're a professional. "I can't believe that in the... very long time I've been roaming this goddamn Earth, I've never heard of this silly game," Philza mumbles under his breath, retrieving all the cards and shuffling them again as you suppress a yawn.

"It's a little known game. I don't know where it exactly comes from, I just remember my parents always playing it with... someone else." If only you could remember whom. You can't be that old, right? Why doesn't your mind just work?

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