CHAPTER XXX: Seven of Swords

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Phil's decision could not have been more terrifying. Even if you're in the safety of your own apartment at the moment, accompanied by Niki and Quackity, you feel unsafe. Very unsafe.

The idea of having no rights anymore whatsoever, being an easy and legal victim to any terrible and gruesome crime, is not one you ever thought you'd have. And Hell, it's not even an idea for you thanks to the Crowfather's words. Instead, it's become reality. And despite the fallen angel and elf present in your room promising that they'll protect you, you only feel like you're just as much in danger while in their company, especially considering both aren't a big fan of the other.

They're constantly fighting or trying to be better than the other, but you're not thinking highly of either of them. Instead, you're waiting for this day to pass, so you can end up at work again with Jared's protection, him and Jack being the few people you trust enough.

Although, Techno also promised you this morning that he won't allow anything to happen to you, with his reassurance being slightly more helpful than of the two people present at the moment. Tommy too seemed to support you through life, but their promises might not be compared to some of the things the other citizens are actually prepared to do either.

This morning, you went on a walk with Niki – which is when you met Quackity – as well, only to meet some of the people in the town who whispered in each other's ears, licking their lips or claws, hungrily glancing over at you, likely having forgotten the event that took place at Friday the Thirteenth and instead being overtaken by gluttony and greed.

You passed the flower as well, both meeting Sam and Sapnap again, with the centaur looking at you longer than he should and the poltergeist stopping with what he was doing just to feel your energy decrease with you walking away from him. The flower seems to have grown a bit more too, although you still feel absolutely nothing whilst in its company, which none of the other figures seem to struggle with.

Tomorrow there'll be yet another small festival at the castle, and of course, you're going. Quackity already insisted that you would, stating how it would help you feel more welcome in the town. Because of this, you've already decided that you will visit the flower then, since Sam will most likely come as well. You can just disappear eventually and see what the hell this plant is all about, instead of having to hear it all from others.

"Okay, but why a casino? You could've gone for anything, yet you chose a casino," Niki complains, the two of them arguing about the best occupation, and you let out a disappointed sigh as you drink a bit more of your tea, looking as if you just came out of bed while Niki is actually looking quite neatly – having made themselves up and wearing an elegant dress - and Quackity seemingly having tried a more classy outfit. You don't know why they'd try to look this good, so you just assume that both have some important date to go to.

"Everybody likes a bit of gambling, babe," Quackity answers, throwing a coin with a smile and playing with it, a smirk remaining on his face as he says the word 'babe' with venom on his tongue. "Only lame people don't."

"Oh? You think Y/N is lame?"

"Do you?"

And, just as they've been doing all this time, they've been putting you on the pedestal just because they can't finish the argument they're started. No, it's you who has to make a snarly remark to make them both realize that it's a pointless discussion they're having. This time, however, they're wondering if you think it's lame to gamble.

"I think this argument is lame," you answer, avoiding to answer the question just as you've been doing the entire time. "Why can't y'all have a fun discussion for once? Why hang out with each other if you can't even tolerate one another?" Niki glances over at Quackity, who answers her hateful glare with a growing grin, almost kicking your cat who wants to run to his food while sitting up straight. As soon as he does this, prepared to respond to your question, you point at him angrily. "Hey! Don't kick my fucking cat."

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