CHAPTER XI: Nine of Swords Reversed

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The amount of energy that Drista feels when she hears two dreadful screams fill the otherwise deadly silent night, is unmatched with anything she's ever felt before. It's a power that surpasses her own, but also that of Phil and possibly even the Crimson. She'd love to say that it also is greater than her brother's, but that's not the way to state it. It's similar. Too similar. Yet, her brother is not here and is physically unable to enter the town, so it cannot be him.

Almost everybody is present at the festival in the castle, so they've most likely only felt a spark of the little quake that the Erinys just sensed. But the screams especially were absolutely nerve-wrecking.

As an Erinys, Drista has already heard quite some disturbing things, but nothing like this. She's never heard anyone scream out for their life like that. A scream out of pure pain, both mental and physical. Like a dog who gets electrocuted against a fence, but also while being stabbed and shot at. Or a horse who's giving birth while being eaten alive by vultures. Or anything else that would hurt more than the worst pain imaginable.

In any case, considering she's the only one near, she decides she has to check it out. If she weren't to do that, she wouldn't even be able to call herself a protector of this town.

As she takes flight, she flies towards the source of the sound and energy. The remnants of what just called out to her are still present, but they're in such little doses that nobody would even realize it's there if they weren't aware of its presence to begin with. And as she gets closer to the location, she sees you, walking away from it. Concerned for your safety and having made a promise to your father, Drista lands on one of the roofs to watch you take another few disoriented steps. You're very unstable, is obvious to her, as you're holding onto literally anything to prevent you from falling.

She wants to help you. She really wants to help you, but she can't. She can't show herself to you yet. The likeliness of you being one of the victims of whatever energy was just let loose on the surface, only makes her want to help you know, but it also motivates her to instead see what it was. And as she throws you one last glance, her heart freezes.

There is a bite mark in your neck. Two dots out of which there's flowing very little blood, but blood nonetheless.

It seems like you weren't only a victim of the unleashed power, then.

Having decided that she'll check up on you later, she now leaves to go to an alleyway very close to where you were. And there, she feels it. It's a feeling she can't quite explain, but she knows that it's a very strong and dangerous one. It reminds her of the scent a skunk gives off. It's not just a source of energy that came out of nowhere: it was one that appeared when the cause of it sensed danger.

A strong leftover of what happened here, however, is not all she finds. Because there, sitting against the wall unconsciously, is the very culprit of a part of your suffering. Wilbur Soot's eyes are closed as a bit of blood is slowly falling off the corner of his mouth, right onto his clothing. There's a bit of colour on his cheeks, which is not unusual for a vampire who just sucked someone's blood, but it seems to be too much colour for the amount he most likely got: which is very little, judging by both your wound and what can be found on the crime scene.

Drista, furious that Wilbur tried to do anything despite her threat toward Philza, approaches the seemingly lifeless body and squats down in front of it. Putting her hand on his forehead, she quickly feels how it's warmer than it should be, along with the sweat that's dripping down his face.

At first when Drista saw the damage that was done to you, she wanted to hurt Wilbur in ways that she'd never harmed anyone before. And Hell, she wanted to torture Philza even more than he was already doing himself. But seeing that the vampire has already been hurt terribly, she doesn't think that will be necessary anymore.

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