CHAPTER XVIII: Three of Wands

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What the fuck.

That's really the only thought going through your head right now.

What the fuck.

Train? You have to train? You have to learn how to control powers you don't understand? How the fuck does that work?

Thankfully, X.D. did give you the tip to talk to Foolish, since he's an angel created by X.D. himself, but he too would most likely have no idea how to explain this experience. So, now you're just lying on your bed with a snoring cat on top of you. As much as you love this activity, you wish this would help you with your situation.

After you let out a sigh, you feel a cold wind brush past you, startling you a little. However, your brave self is too determined to sit up right to prevent Onyx' sleep from getting interrupted. Soft noises can be heard around you and you get freaked out only a little bit more, but you still decide to bite your tongue and ignore it.

That is, until the infamous horse mask appears that you bought at the convenience store, floating in the air. You want to be scared, but you can easily guess who's to blame for this. "Oh me, oh my, a floating horse head?"

"Oh me, oh my, indeed," the friendly ghost answers as he finally appears, with the mask over his head. "So, how's it been going? What did you and Drista talk about?" After you scratch the back of your head, you hum as you explain to him what happened. Jared's face shifts and he seems to be quite upset to hear it too, empathizing with your situation. "Is there anything I can do to help, Y/N?" You smile faintly at his question, sitting up right after Onyx jumps off to stretch.

"I don't think so," you laugh after you let out a sigh, putting your hand on your aching head. "I mean, what should I do?"

"Continue living your life as if nothing is going on? I don't know, I've never dealt with this either," Jared answers as he squats down to give the black cat a pat on the head. "We could do some research? Maybe this has happened before?" Research? Would that actually work? "You'll go to the library, and I'll ask Jack to help me out since he has this whole, like, record of things from the past. What do you think?" That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

So, after agreeing and telling him that you'll do that indeed, you reluctantly get up and put on some clothes after Jared left, before leaving your apartment to do as he says. As much as you don't like the idea of going out on your own after all the shit that's been going on, you know that you need to eventually. And honestly, the library is the best place to go when you're feeling down, right?

You breathe in the autumn air as you leave the apartment complex to go deeper into the town, people sending you expected glances which you just ignore as you awkwardly approach the library where you and Technoblade talked for the first time.

When you walk in, you actually hoped him to be there, but he's nowhere to be found. The librarian, however, is talking with someone who you've seen at the festival, but you can't remember his name. As you approach Karl and the poltergeist, both of their eyes fly to you immediately. When Karl sees you, he smiles at you faintly, waving a little while you approach him, hoping that he can show you to the section about God and the Grim Reaper and whatnot. However, before you can even open your mouth, the other man speaks up.

"The town has been talking about you," he simply says, tilting his head as he winks flirtatiously, despite your obvious disinterest in him. "If I hadn't known better, I myself think you were a curse ready to be put upon us. You're not here to kill us all, are you?"

"Sapnap!" Karl scolds him immediately, most likely oblivious to the playful tone in the man's voice. The wizard lets out a sigh as he turns to smile at you, shrugging nervously. "I mean, he's not wrong. You've been the topic of discussion in most conversations."

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