CHAPTER LV: The Moon Reversed

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It doesn't take long for you and Jared to take off, Dream having found you with ease as you and the spirit talked, hidden away from plain sight. The trees of the woods next to Urvorum reach out to you as the three of you roam through its green and muddy environment, going to the destination where you've been before, this time guided by the werewolf who too is familiar with it. Constantly and obsessively, he looks around him and the group, almost as though he's preparing for an unexpected and dangerous attack, staying as close to you as he can – a gesture which you find slightly annoying, but don't say anything about, in fear for him to turn around and leave.

It's not that you need him necessarily, not at all. Even if he's more familiar with the location, you still feel like Jared and you would make it out alive just fine, without his help. However, the idea of him returning to the festival and telling everyone about your location, your plan, et cetera, freaks you the fuck out. With an occasional glance to Jared, who is far from bothered by the werewolf's presence, you hope to see someone sharing that sensation. Unfortunately, Jared is either too naïve or too optimistic to do so, continuing to smile and look around, slightly intimidated by the darkness of the woods, but equally excited by the idea of returning to the Cathedral, with all its mystery.

Oddly enough, you don't believe his excitement to come from the journey itself. You instead think that it stems from his inevitable future, the loudening footsteps of the Grim Reaper, awaiting his end. And even if this is the case, is it a conscious choice? Is it a result of some psychological ordeal, that being the unwillingness to open his eyes to such truths? Or is he simply enjoying life now he still can, before his soul will be fully faded.

When he notices your melancholic staring, his smile slightly fades, as he looks at you. "Y/N, what's wrong?" Dream, who's been silent the entire time, only a few times making a comment, glances through the corner of his eye to the spirit and the human, catching the mourning eyes.

"It's just weird to think that we've been best friends ever since we were kids," you mumble, letting out a deep sigh. "Considering your situation now. Jared, I'm not sure if I'll make it without you."

Jared's eyes widen, as does Dream's, who wants to speak but doesn't know what to say. Neither does Jared, but he simply hums. "You'll be fine, Y/N. You'll have to be. If I survived my life, even after losing everything, then so will you, undoubtedly." It feels weird to hear him say this with Dream walking right next to you. These signs of affections are often kept between the two of you in a more private setting; when other people are present to listen in, you'll simply joke around. But now, the thought of having no one to do that with anymore, is bringing you to an agonizing grief you're unsure if you've experienced before, but it hurts you nonetheless.

Dream wants to comment on the fact that Jared never survived: he's dead, after all. But he doesn't dare to, and instead an annoying form of fear for his own life now creeps up on him, whilst you and Jared are talking, clearly both feeling the jail of reality.

"If we find anyway to stop you from fading at the Cathedral, will we use it?" you look at him pleading, but his face is soft and sweet.

"I know what you're going through, Y/N, but if I disappear, you have to let me. I've been alive for a century by now: that 's enough. I too want to find rest. Why I haven't yet, is a mystery to me, but if it is to happen, whether it's because the gates of Heaven open themselves to me or just because I'm too tired to go on, I don't want to stop it." You avoid his eyes, the pain of looking at him shattering your hear truly.

"Promise me that you won't try to stop it."

You nod at his words, crossing your arms as you let out a sigh, unknowingly coming closer to your final destination. "Okay." It feels selfish to want him to live, yet it feels wrong to want him to die. The dilemma in which you find yourself is one that tortures you more than anything has up till this point, but your uncertainties distract you from wat is important.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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