CHAPTER XXXV: Ten of Wands

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Made by: Avery!


You wake up, bathing in your own sweat as your body feels cold and lifeless. With your head aching like crazy, you sit up right to see your balcony doors wide open and the wind blowing in. Even if you were extremely tired before, you're wide awake now, jumping out of your bed in your pyjamas as you run towards the doors, hanging over the fence of the balcony on your bare feet to look down. Did someone break in? You know you didn't forget to lock the doors. Maybe Onyx found a way to open them? Despite it being a simple cat, he also tends to open your bathroom door when you're just trying to do what is needed.

However, realistically, that's not what happened. Even if he saw a mouse on the balcony, you highly doubt that he'd go that far.

You look down and up, yet not seeing anything other than a crow looking at you. Was it Philza's birds? No, they can't open doors, silly. They don't have thumbs!

In any case, you don't like what this insinuates. Could it have been Wilbur? You can't remember clearly whether or not you took the invitation back, but you're really unsure now. But even then, if that were the case, wouldn't he have tried something? Wouldn't you have woken up?

After closing and locking the doors, you run to the bathroom to check up on yourself, looking for any signs that he tried anything – most notably, tried sucking your blood – but there are no signs whatsoever. So, was it Wilbur then? Crimson surely isn't too fond of you, so it might as well have been them. Maybe they tried to kill you or something.

Oh god, what if that's it? What if someone tried to kill you while you were asleep? After all, it is legal now that Philza made that stupid fucking decision.

Your anxiety quickly causes your heart to go crazy as the paranoia fills your mind. Onyx, who was just eating a bit of his food, seems to notice your panic, but there's very little he can do other than meowing and brushing past your feet gently. With your breathing quickening and the world seemingly stretching out, doing anything in its power to be further away from you, you feel your balance growing unstable as your feet feel tingly and unreal. Black spots appear in front of your vision, a high-pitched sound invades your ears, your body feels as if it's about to break... Oh god, is this really a panic attack? What if it's not? What if it's some poison that they managed to put into your body? What if you're dying?

These irrational thoughts feel more than just irrational. They feel delusional. Untrue, yet likely. And well, the possibility of them being real is one of the most agonizing sentences to repeat itself in your head over and over again. After all, you're not liked by many here. You're an infiltration of their safe space; a human in a monstrous world. In their eyes, you're the enemy, who might've started out as prey.

Feeling like you're about to faint, you don't hear the knocking on your door as you drop yourself on the bed, trying to distract yourself by quietly singing the alphabet out loud as tears have started appearing in your eyes. The knocking continues. Knock. Knock. Knock. But you can't respond. You're crying, slowly feeling as your consciousness fades.

The moment that you regain consciousness again, you don't even remember passing out. All that you know, is that you see an unexpected face, looking at you concernedly as the hand belonging to this familiar person has her hand on your cheek. As soon as you wake up, you try to sit up right – very aware – but the weakness still hasn't properly disappeared yet.

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