CHAPTER XVII: King of Cups

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You're following your aunt in silence, after she told you that she and X.D. would explain to you whatever they could. After she asked Jared if it's okay to steal you away, you already realized that you'd now be able to properly scold X.D. for withholding the truth from you. Although, you're wondering if you're going to see X.D.'s true form today, or if this means that he'll only talk. After all, you're seeing Drista's right now. And honestly, she looks quite fucking amazing.

"You should've told me earlier that you were an Erinys, you know," you comment as you're looking through the corner of your eyes while you're approaching the border of the town. "You look very cool. We could've trick or treated and people would've actually given me candy instead of laughing at me or pitying me." Aunt Drista laughs and puts her hand on your shoulder with a smile.

"I have to say that you've been dealing with this stuff surprisingly well, Y/N."

"I mean, the whole creature things isn't even the weirdest," you chuckle awkwardly and Drista looks at you confusedly, so you explain. "You see, according to the doctors, Puffy and Ponk, I'm not alive. I'm not dead either, though. I'm just confused."

"Ah yes, you're alive, dead or confused. But, what the fuck does that mean, if I may ask? What do you mean, you're not alive? You're here and you're human, aren't you?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just lagging and the 'game over' screen still has to appear."

Drista remains silent however, while the two of you approach a bridge for pedestrians to walk over. The bridge, being decorated with rainbow colours, seems to go over water that tells you that you're leaving the town. X.D. is already waiting on it. When he sees you and his sister, he straightens his back, showing his true height.

Now, you always thought that he was freakishly tall, but he's grown even taller. And to be frank, you have no fucking idea what he is, despite the fact that he looks eerily familiar now.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," is the first thing he says. "I should've told you, but you must know that your other parents know just as little as you did." You're upset, but suppose that it makes sense. That's until you realize where you've seen him before. You look at Drista too, remembering the church of Foolish that you visited. Only if you could remember what he told you about it.

"What are you, though? I know Drista is an Erinys, but you don't at all look like one." X.D. returns to the human form that you're used to, although you still have to look up to have eye contact with him. He sighs.

"I'm a seraph. The last one of my kind. Foolish and I are in general the last ones who can enter Heaven, ever since Father's death years ago." You still look at him confusedly.

"Hold up, so religions were right?"

"Not exactly. There's truth in every religion, yes, but there's just as much truth in atheism. It's a complicated process that most of us don't even understand. We live in this world just like you, but nobody here is omniscient, as much as we'd like the thought of that." You chuckle. "It's all very confusing."

"I am very confused. I'd like some explanation. Is God real? Does Hell exist?"

X.D. lets out a deep sigh as he laughs, before sitting down on the ground of the bridge, mentioning you to do the same. "I've grown up in Heaven. It's the place where angels live and grow up, although not all of them there were sons of God himself. Hell also exists, although it is not led by any fallen angel. It's more considered to be a limbo.

The Grim Reaper, now the most powerful creature to exist, collects people's souls after they die and brings them to peace if they deserve this, although nobody knows what this means. Some people go to Hell, if this is deserved, where they will suffer for a while until the Grim Reaper decides it's enough. Others become banshees or poltergeists. But that's something only the Grim Reaper can decide."

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