CHAPTER XIII: The Hierophant

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The next moment you wake up, there are so many thoughts that are running through your mind that you don't know which one to focus on first. Do you have to reconsider your life here after finding out that Wilbur is a vampire? Is it important to remember that you're the only human here? Or maybe you have to think about the fact that he tried to suck your blood which would have most likely lead to your death? Or, is the fever dream you had something to worry about once more, considering you woke up in your bed as if nothing happened? Maybe the fact that something extremely bad happened yesterday, when some weird electricity basically electrocuted the both of you? Did it come from you? Some other power outside of your control? Is it something that will come back later?

However, the disturbing smell of puke is overpowering all of those doubts and the feeling of being both hot and cold at the same time is already proving to you that you are still alive, for this illness you've had before. And when you stand up, much against Onyx's wishes, and go to the bathroom where the vomit is still lying on the floor, you look in the mirror to examine the two red dots that should be there in your neck, only to find nothing other than a mosquito bite right under your eye.

Great. You might have gotten away from one bloodsucker, but it seems like these little bitches will never leave you alone.

After measuring your temperature, you already come to discover that you do, in fact, have a fever. Being over the thirty-nine degrees Celsius is what leads you to taking a paracetamol, so you won't be bothered by it too much. Your head is still killing you and your chest pains are also very faintly returning, although they don't get as bad as they were yesterday. But you remember what a doctor once told you: you get used to the pain.

Getting a little bit anxious about your health, and maybe even scared that you'll turn into a vampire, you put two fingers on your wrist to feel your heartbeat. Nothing off about it. Other than just regular flu symptoms, which you've experienced many times before, you just seem to be fine.

Unless these are symptoms of some weird-ass disease that Wilbur gave you when he bit you but you really don't think there is such a thing as a vampirical transmitted disease. But then again, you also didn't believe in vampires before becoming a citizen of this town, so maybe you're just ignorant.

After washing yourself with a towel and switching into some new clothes, your brain slowly starts processing the events of yesterday, alongside one key realization.

You should be dead.

This has already happened to you. A traumatic event, such as the incident at the mall, followed by a very weird, surreal and confusing dream and then you waking up with the flu. It's a simple routine repeating itself, except you always believed this to be normal, because you have never known any differently, but this time, it felt more realistic. Especially the feeling of dying.

So, what the fuck exactly is going on?

A knock on your door is the thing that finally interrupts your racing thoughts, and wondering who the fuck this may be, you approach the door after a quick glance at the clock. It's two o'clock. You slept for a pretty long time. But honestly, you believe that you deserve it. You're in a tricky situation, after all.

And opening the door, your eyes fall on three people who you could've expected here to begin with. Niki, whose ears are a lot pointier than they've ever been before, and Jack and Jared, whose skins are more transparent than you remember. But, against your expectations, once Jared sees you standing there alive and 'well', he immediately gives you a big hug, tears rolling down his face and burning his cheeks while he holds you between his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he starts, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." His apologies seem sincere. They're too sincere for you to blame him for any of this. "I just wanted a friend here. I didn't know you'd get hurt." You can feel Niki's observing eyes tearing at your skin and Jared lets go of you, looking at your neck with relief. "He didn't actually do anything. Thank god."

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