CHAPTER VIII: Four of Cups

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Made by: Hanny!


Imagine looking in the mirror and not being able to recognize yourself. Maybe it's because you usually avoid any reflection. Maybe it's because you're not used to trying to look good. Maybe you've just been so stressed and anxious ever since arriving in the town, that you've forgotten what you look like to begin with.

In any case, you feel so weird looking at yourself. Niki, in whose apartment you are at the moment, comes out of the bathroom to stand next to you, wearing a very elegant dress as well. Her face is made up a bit as well and she looks absolutely stunning. She tilts her head at her reflection. "You look great, Y/N," she then says, looking at you with a faint smile, but you wish that you could have any opinion on your appearance as well. Instead, you just feel empty looking at it. While you felt beautiful yesterday, you're now too distracted by everything else going on in life to really feel anything toward your appearance.

"Are Jared and Jack done already?" you ask instead, knowing that those two wanted to use your apartment to make themselves look decent. Niki simply laughs at your question.

"Of course, they're not done. Every single time we went to the festival together, we got there too late because they are too slow. Mainly because Jack is never satisfied and Jared is too indecisive when it comes to clothing." You laugh silently at her comment before looking in the mirror again, putting your hands in your pockets. This feels wrong. It feels wrong to go to the festival. You don't know why, but you do not have any good feeling about this day.

But as Jared said, maybe you're just worrying too much? Let this be a day for you to be carefree, like he.

And yet, you can't ignore the way your intuition is begging you to stay home. The way your thoughts are clawing at the comfort of your room. The way your heart starts beating faster when you think of all that could happen today.

Maybe you're just overreacting because it's Friday the Thirteenth? Maybe that, and all your other suspicions when it comes to the monsters lurking in the shadows, are bringing you this unexplained anxiety? Maybe it's all going to end if you just go there, even if scared.

After waiting a bit more for Jared and Jack, who both look quite neat in their matching tuxedoes – something with Jared most definitely insisted on – the four of you finally leave to go to the castle, where the festival is held.

You pass many different kinds of people, some strangers and some already familiar to you. You see Schlatt and Tubbo walking together to the castle, where an excited Ranboo and Tommy are already waiting for them.

"Remember, Tubbo: make sure to keep your drink in your sight and don't drink anything if it's been sitting on a random table. Cover your cup with your hand if you do have to look away from it and don't do drugs just because your friends tell you to. Also don't end up sucking some rich person's dick unless you get money for it and if you do end up fucking someone who betrays your trust or fucks you over in general, remember to tell everyone how bad they are in bed."

Schlatt is speaking to his son until the both of them are spotted by others, which is when they fully part their ways. Tubbo talking to his friends and Schlatt bothering Quackity and Charlie.

You also spot Eret, who is talking to a person dressed in simple but pretty clothing, with a hat on her head and an almost magical dress. Behind them, you also find Dream next to two other people, both of whom are dressed neatly but still differently, in a way. Neat suits, but while the one has almost all of his body covered, goggles over his eyes, the other one has a necklace with a gemstone in it around his neck. Only now you realize that Dream wears a similar one, except his gemstone is hidden in the clothing. Dream is looking right at you, his eyes filled with something that only makes you feel less comfortable.

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