Torturous Intent

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(Do I really need to put the TW anymore?)

(3rd PoV)

After destroying the camera, 541 took a moment to make sure no others were around. The last thing it needed was Mira planning on how they would destroy it.

Which they most likely were. But it didn't want to help them reach that point.

After making absolute sure that no other cameras were around, it slinked back down the hall to the Cafeteria - basically where it liked to rest, since all the bodies were there.

Plus one other.

541 entered, and saw the human, plastered to the wall with a black, sticky substance. Even the anomaly didn't know what it was - it was just a part of it.

It walked up to the human, who looked like he was sleeping. Having a nightmare, maybe, by the way he was mumbling.

It placed its claws on the human's neck, cutting off his airflow very suddenly. After a moment, his eyes shot open, and he coughed as 541 took its claws away.

"Y'know," he rasped, clearing his throat, "There are better ways to wake someone up than preventing their breathing."

"Oh, my mistake," it chuckled hoarsely, "It's just more fun this way."

The human scanned the room, his pale face void of its normal color.

Probably a fear thing, 541 thought.

"If you're gonna kill me, just save me the wait and do it already," he said, avoiding the impostor's gaze.

It laughed, and the human winced.

"Oh, Blaza. You humans are too incompetent to learn," it replied, "You see, if Mira reaches this ship, they will attempt to kill me on sight. But if I have one of their own on the line..."

It chuckled. "Well, they won't be able to do much."

The human, Blaza, watched as the anomaly slinked back off, probably to eat someone's body.

Blaza sighed. This was possibly worse than watching his friends get picked off one by one, unable to do anything but watch. Now they're all dead, and he's partially responsible.

And his friends still haunted him in his nightmares.

Anytime he slept, he saw them. Their eyes were white, and their death injuries were still there. Meme, a bloody hole in his stomach and more in his head. Laff, his chest and abdomen torn open to expose his organs, and his lifeless heart hanging by a string in his rib cage. Dino, a hole in his chest. Woolfster, Tbh, both deprived of oxygen and pale as a sheet of paper. Muffin, his head hanging limply to the side. Nadwe, his face a bloodied mess.

It was horrific.

And they all said the same thing.

"Your fault."

"You could have saved us."



It was basically mental torture.

And 541 obviously doesn't care. In fact, it seemed amused by his fear. No surprise there, really. It did kill the entire crew and eat their corpses in cold blood.

Blaza was cut from his thoughts when he was suddenly dropped from his place plastered to the wall, and fell to his knees on the ground. Almost immediately, two black tendrils wrapped around his ankles to prevent him from escaping.

Something was tossed towards him, and Blaza looked up to see 541 standing over him, arms crossed.

"I'm trying to keep you alive," it said, rolling its eyes (as much as someone with dots for eyes could do that), "So you probably need food. This is all you get right now."

Blaza looked down, and gagged with disgust. The item 541 had tossed at him appeared to be some kind of human organ, still slimy with blood.

Did it really expect him to eat the guts of his friends?

When was the last time he had even eaten, anyways? Was it before 541 revealed itself to everyone? His stomach growled.

"I-I think I'll pass on that..." Blaza said weakly.

"It's either this, or you go hungry," 541 said, "Beggars can't be choosers. Plus, it's actually quite good."

"You're disgusting," Blaza said.

"What did you expect?" It replied.

Blaza remained silent.

541 just scoffed, and the tendrils around Blaza's legs dragged him back up to the wall, where he was once again imprisoned.

"Fine, then," it said, "Go hungry."

It then slinked away, off to some other part of the ship.


(Ally PoV)

I drove up to the house with the address "5938" on it, and hopped out of the car. Lynn got out from the passenger side, and followed me to the door.

I knocked and waited until a man came to the door. His black hair was disheveled, and he looked like he just woke up.

"Ally?" He said, his voice drained from sleep, "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Hey, Oof. They let me off, because this is important," I said, "And you work for the SCP Foundation, so you'd probably know the most about this."

Oof raised his eyebrow worriedly. "Did something happen?"

"If the massacre of the entire Skeld crew by some kind of monster counts, then yes, something happened," I said.

Oof glanced around outside before pulling us inside the house, locking the door.

After practically dragging us to the dining room, we all sat down at the table.

"Do you know what this monster looks like?" Oof asked us.

"Sort of," I replied, "It looked like it was made from some kind of black goop substance, and it's midsection was a very large mouth. A lot of tentacles, too."

"Wait, did it have glowing red dots for eyes?" Oof questioned.

"Yes..." I said, shuddering as I recalled the creature's demonic-looking eyes.

Oof rubbed his forehead and cursed under his breath.

"Do you know it?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," Oof sighed, "And I'm afraid if we can't destroy it...

"We all might as well be in our graves."



Kind of. Poor guy

And what is this? Oof works for the SCP foundation? :0

990 words

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