Chapter 2. "Get a girl"

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"I am sorry," Sam called after the girl rushing away. She didn't turn back, and honestly, he didn't care. He looked down at his white shirt. It had drops of the milkshake his idiotic best friend, Edward asked for. Shaking his head, he walked over to their table at the center of the cafeteria. "Finally, you showed up," his best friend Rowan said, still staring at his book. Sam sat next to the blond. "How are you taking it?" Rowan asked. The other two of his best friends were not there yet. "Truth to be told not well." Rowan nodded. Sam knew he wouldn't push it any further. That was how Rowan was.

"What took you so long, and where is my milkshake?" Edward Hale asked, sitting between him and Rowan. "Honestly, Hale, you should try to get your drink sometimes and who drinks strawberry milkshake," he asked. Rowan snorted, "Really, Ro, you all are hopeless," he said. "What took you so long?" Rowan asked, still looking at his book. "Bridget," Edward said, fixing his tie. "Pervert," Rowan muttered. "Hey," Edward started when a bag dropped at their table. "Did you punch William in the locker room?" James Hart said, sitting next to them.

"Which William?" Edward asked, brows bent. "Did you?" Rowan asked, closing his book. "Sam's William," James told Edward. "Not my William, what the hell?" Sam shook his head. Rowan took his hand to take a look at his bruised knuckle. Sam drew his hand away as fast as he could.

"The William Isabel left him for," James added. "Who is that?" Edward asked. "Your sister's boyfriend, William," Rowan said. Edward stopped talking, "That thing my sister is dating?" he asked. "Don't like him much?" Sam asked. "She could do better. Much better, " Edward said. "Wait He cheated on Emily? I am going to fucking kill him". "You don't need to do that, knowing Emily she would do that herself," Rowan said. "They dated for a long time she went off on him this morning, everyone saw, it was public," James said, taking a bite of Rowan's sandwich.

"She broke up with him?" Rowan asked.  "Seemed like that," James said. "They were together for all of the high school, right?" Sam asked. "They dated from middle school," James said. "Can we not discuss my sister's love life, please?" Edward said pulling out his phone. Sam searched for Emily, he knew Edward was texting her but he wanted to see  how she was taking the news?

"Dude, you need to date," James started, changing the subject. He was already in a foul mood regarding Isabel. The last thing he wanted was to discuss his love life and with the three people who wouldn't hesitate to tear it apart piece by piece.

"I." Sam trailed off. "Sam, I am serious," James stressed. "Don't bother James, Sam has to create a bitter atmosphere first, go ahead, Sam," Edward said, winking at a pretty girl who was passing. Sam threw Rowan's book at him, which he caught with practiced agility. Edward smirked. Smug bastard.

"Do you have to flirt with everything that walks?" Rowan asked. Edward threw him a wink, "Jealous, my love." "You are impossible," Rowan said, turning away. "Is it me, or did you turn cynical after Matthew broke your heart?" Rowan hit him with his book. "Don't worry, we will find you, someone, too," Edward said. "I am done with you all," Rowan exclaimed.

"Alright, lovebirds, let's focus on him," James said, they were used to Edward flirting with Rowan. "Go to hell, Ed," Rowan said. "Love you too, Ro," Edward blew him a kiss.

"You need to get a girl," James said. Sam looked over at the table where Isabel sat laughing. How could she sit there and look like that while he was miserable? James kicked Edward and Rowan under the table. Rowan looked down, pressing his lips together while Edward openly winced. "He is right. You need to get a girl," Edward said, and Rowan nodded. "Someone who isn't Isabel Montgomery," James said. As long as he could recall, Sam had a crush on Isabel and when she said she felt the same way he was over the moon until she wasn't into him anymore.

"Leave Isabel and whoever she is dating," Edward said. "Playing," Rowan said. Edward shot him a glare, Rowan shrugged "Dating" Edward stuck. "There is no need to disrespect her. Sam, you two dated well and good she moved on. You need to do it too, get a girl who is better than her, someone nice," James said. "A rebound?" Sam asked. "Yes," Edward said. "You need to be back there and date," James said.

"I date," Sam said. Edward laughed like it was the funniest thing he ever heard. He leaned forward, "What you do isn't called dating, and considering the sweet little reputation you made for yourself, getting yourself someone nice is quite difficult."

Rowan and James nodded. "Why?" Sam asked. His friends looked at each other. "They are scared," Rowan said. "Scared of what?" Sam asked. Edward and James exchanged glances. "Herpes. Obviously getting their heart broken, you dumbass," Rowan said.

"See Sam, Isabel left you by saying you were not someone a girl could be in a relationship with." Rowan started. He flinched, the memory of that party was still fresh.

"True," James and Edward said in unison. Rowan shook his head, "And you have done... stuff, so the only way you can make her regret leaving you is by showing you have changed."

"You take things seriously," Edward said. "You can be in a relationship for more than a month," James added.

"You need to pull yourself together. No one wants to date you," Edward said. "Harsh," James said. "Stop babying him, look Sam, right now you are the one everyone wants to hook up not someone they want a relationship with either you try to change and maybe win her back."

"I don't want to win her back," Sam interrupted. "You do," James cut him off. "Edward, continue," Rowan said. "Thank you. You can do that or continue with this foul mood of yours and, mate you have to see him for a few weeks regularly. He is in the team, and you are the captain. Theres no way out of this," he stood up. "We have class, let's go, Steinman will give us a lot of shit if we are late," he said.

Rowan and Sam got up, "James," Sam called, looking back. The dark-haired boy was staring at the redhead at the corner of the cafeteria with a book in her hand. "He is a goner," Rowan said. "Completely gone," Edward added. "She is the love of my life. Look at her, " James sighed, dreamily. "We all could get any girl we want, and you chose the one who hates you," Edward said. "Ed, there are exceptions," Rowan shot a look at Sam, Sam rolled his eyes. "Right," Edward smirked.

"We will get married. Come to the wedding, " James said. "In your dreams, Hart," Sam laughed. Rowan flung his arm around James. "We have class now. Let's plan your wedding to Gwyneth Chase on the way." "You are horrible," James said.

The students parted as they passed. They were the kings of the school. The elites, as everyone called them. James, the kind jock, Edward, the brilliant artist and Rowan, the poet were Sam's people. Those three made everything better. He looked back to glance at the smiling brunette. "Let's go to my house after school," Edward said, opening the door to their chemistry classroom. "Can't have a detention," Sam looked down at his knuckles. His action surely did have consequences.

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