Chapter 45. "I love him,"

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"I don't, I can't if you don't want me to, it's just that I made a pinky promise to you, it's fine if you don't want -" "Emily I would be glad to take you rather than anyone else, and I am glad you honor your pinky promises" he said, smiling.

God, she missed that smile. She missed everything about him. "What?" he asked, looking at the road. "You have become prettier," she said. He looked at her, "You too," he said. Blue met green once again, Emily looked away, "How is Brownie?" he asked. "He has grown a lot since the last time you saw him," she said.

He stopped in front of her house once again. "I will pick you up around four," he said. "I will be there," she took his hand, before her messy feelings for him he was her friend and she needed to be there for him. "Everything will be fine," she said. He nodded, "it's girl, they are having a girl," Sam said. Emily eyes widened.

"You will have a sister, congratulations," she said. "They have even decided on a name  and I don't think I have seen my father that exicited about something," he said. "What's her name?" she asked. "Daisy after her grandmother," he said  "having a sibling is hard, but it is worth it at the end," she said. "Here, I didn't know when to give it to you." He pulled out a page on his phone.

"I know I shouldn't have done it, but" "you sent my application to St. Andrew's?" she asked, taking his phone. "I knew you would never have done it," he said. She scrolled through the applications, "Congratulations," he said. She hugged him, "Thank you," she said. "You're welcome," he hugged her back.

Before it could get any awkward, she pulled back, "You shouldn't be scared," he said. "Thank you, though that was a privacy invasion, but I am glad," she said. "Well, I will see you at Scotland next year," he said. "You will," she said, getting out of his car, "See you tomorrow, Sam," she said, walking towards her home. He waved at her, and she waved back. She closed her door with the smile still on her face.

She dressed in a pale blue dress and braided her hair. "You should wear pearls with it," her mother said, walking in. "I was thinking the same thing," she said, picking up her pearl earrings. "Isn't this the bracelet you lost?" her mother asked. "It can't be the same, Sam gave me this," she said, putting in the earrings.

"You told me you were in love with that boy," her mother said. "I still wish to meet him, though," she said. "I think you have," her mother handed her it. There it was, her initial, EH faded by the years. She looked at her mother, and she just smiled. "Sam gave it. He couldn't," she said, still looking at it.

"Maybe Sam was the one who had your heart before you knew it," she said. "Why didn't he tell me he had to know?" she said. Her mother tucked a strand of her hair. "Maybe he didn't want to force it on you, but Emmy, I saw how you two are, and I know love when I see it. Are you not in love with him?" she asked.

"I am, Mum I was in love with him before I was knew it was him, I fell for him when I was seven, I fell for him when I was seventeen," she said. "Then maybe you should tell him that," she said. "But, Mum, he is in love with Isabel, not me," she said. "Love, then he would have been taking her to the wedding not you, you can't deny that there still is something there, something no matter how much you try to deny it, stays" she said.

"What about William?" Emily asked. "You should let go of something's. He was a large part of your life but not your whole life, and neither is Sam. Don't live with a regret. " They saw Sam park at the side of the road, "go," her mother said. Emily nodded as she tightened the bracelet around her wrist.

"Shall we?" he said, standing in a suit. "We shall, bye Mum," she waved. Her mother smiled at her, "Have fun," she said. "I will bring her back within 7," he said, leading her to his car. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?" he said. "Tell me," she said. "I think you already know," he started his car.

"Isabel called?" she asked. She hated herself for bringing her up, but she had to know if there was something. "No, I don't think we are going to last much," he said. Emily smiled, "maybe it's for the best," she said. "Maybe," he looked at her eyebrows raised.

"What?" she asked. "Nothing, nothing." he turned away with a smile. She ignored him as they reached the church. She saw Sam stare at it, she took his hand, he interlaced his fingers, "let's go," she whispered as they walked in. She saw him greet everyone, and she stood beside him. "Talk to him," she said. "I don't think that is right," he said. "Hello, Mr. Watson," she called. He looked around and smiled, "Hello Emily," he said, walking up to them.

"Congratulations," she asked. "Thank you, thank you for coming here," he turned towards Sam, "it means a lot to me," she wasn't sure he was still talking to her. "Do you want.. " Sam took a breath, "do you want me to stand behind you?" he asked. Emily looked  at him. His father too wasn't expecting it.

"You could if you want, I would love that," he said. "Well, I am already in a suit," he said. "Join in," Mr. Watson walked towards the aisle. She held Sam by the arm, "You did a good thing," she said. "It's his day, I could let him have his happiness," he said, "try to sit in the front," he said. "I will," she said.

She watched him go when she saw the necklace she gave fall off. She called as she picked it. He didn't seem to hear she opened it, and inside was a picture of her.

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