Chapter 26. "Our types"

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"Did he not come to school?" Emily asked, sitting next to Gwyn. Gwyn scanned the class. His friends sat at the back, but he wasn't there. "Doesn't seem like it," she said, doodling in her notebook. "You should have taken up art as your major," Emily said, looking at her sketches, "I seem to love science a bit more," she said, closing her notebook.

"Have you thought about what you want to do after school?" Gwyn asked. "Honestly speaking, I have no idea, and it is the worst thing to say at the moment," Emily said. "You will figure something out soon," Gwyn said, patting her back. "He left this, I needed to give it back," Emily said, holding his leather jacket.

"You two seem cute together. You can't deny that. I ship you two, " Gwyn said. "Well, I ship you and James," Emily said. Gwyn smiled and shook her head, "what not more denying the obvious?" Emily asked. "He is nice," she said, nodding. "Nice," Emily echoed. "May I ask what caused this sudden change not more than three days you couldn't stand him?" Emily asked.

Gwyn turned towards her, "So in short I," Emily interrupted her. "I don't want the short version, tell me the whole thing," she said. Their teacher, Miss Seve, entered. "I will tell you after class," Gwyn said. "As if you don't talk between lessons, just tell her, she won't see us," Emily said, "and this is our golden girl," Gwyn said.

"I think I find my best friend's love life much more interesting than the chemical composition of a solution, just tell me will you," Emily said. "We started speaking after you and Sam got together. We met at the birthday party of my cousin, we were the only teens there so we talked. I found we are quite similar. He likes the same things, and I find myself comfortable around him like I can be myself without any fear of judgment, " she said.

"Do you like him?" Emily asked. "It's too soon to say, but he is surprisingly the first boy I felt a connection with, so let's see," she said. Emily smiled, "I never thought you would say these things about James Hart," she said. "I never thought you would end up dating Sam Watson," she said, noting down the words from the board.

"Is he even your type?" Emily asked. "No," Gwyn laughed, "but that's the thing. Maybe we both didn't know our types," she said. "We surely didn't," Emily said as the bell rang. The classes continued throughout the day, and Emily seemed to miss something, a strange happiness. At the end of the day, she realized she was missing Sam all along.

"Could you stop smiling to yourself? You are scaring me," her brother said. Emily rolled her eyes. "Is that Sam's jacket you are wearing?" Edward asked, looking at the oversized jacket hanging from her shoulders. "Yes, he left it yesterday," she said, looking out of the window. "I think he is good for you," Edward said.

"What?" she asked. "I think Sam is a better boyfriend for you than William." he stopped the car in front of their home. "Emmy, don't break his heart. He is a good person behind all that arrogance, " he said. "I won't," she said, getting out of the car.

Their parents weren't home, so Edward made her sandwiches. "You have got mayonnaise in your cheeks," he said, making his. "I am hungry," she said, taking another bite. "Eat first, you are going to choke and die. I really don't want to drag your dead body now, " he said. "How could you be so kind-hearted?" she asked, getting down from their kitchen slab.

Edward took a bite, "I am amazing," he said. "Does each one of your friends have this god complex?" she asked. "Kind of, yeah," Edward said, switching on the tv, Sam's father was on the news. "Is that his fiancée?" Emily asked, pointing at a woman who can't be more than five years older than them. She had dark hair in light waves and a wide smile. "That's her," Edward said.

"I have homework," she said. "Bye," he called out as she walked up the stairs. In an hour, she was done with the work for the day. She glanced at the jacket she was still wearing it. She found herself really missing him.

"Drive me to Sam's house," she said, standing in front of their TV. "I am not your driver and move away," he said. She remained rooted at her spot, "Take me, will you?" she said. "Ask politely," he said. "You are going to be an asshole about it now?" she asked. "Yes," he said.

Emily took a deep breath, "All right, Edward, will you please drive me to your best friend, my boyfriend Sam's house?" she said. "We will see," he said. She threw a cushion at him, "Fine, get your shoes, there is no peace in this house," she heard him say and rolled her eyes.

"When will you be back?" he asked. "I will call you," she said. "I am busy," he said. "What do you even do all day ?" she asked. "Hey, I am the Head boy of one of the most prestigious schools," he said, "and I do half of your work alongside mine as the head girl, now take your car out will you?" she asked.

"You will miss me when I go to Boston next year. Who will drive you around then?" he asked. "I will find someone," she said. He was going to Harvard next year on a scholarship, she wondered how he even got into an ivy league but the answer was easy, Edward easily had the highest IQ in all of their school and excelled in various co-curricular.

"Come on, Emmy," he called out.

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