Chapter 41. "Shut up and dance with me"

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"Thank you for being supportive, G," she said falling into the bed. "You can't just fall into a bed when you screw something up" Gwyn pulled her up. "I didn't screw anything up," Emily said. "You screwed a lot up. Fake dating Sam Watson what were you thinking?" she asked. "I wasn't," Emily said. "Clearly, alright we have to fix this whole thing," Gwyn said. "How?" she asked. 

"Do  you like Sam?" Gwyn asked. "I don't know," she said. "Alright, how do you feel around him?"  she asked. A smile made its way to her face, "He makes me happy, you know. I don't know how else to describe it. He brings out a carefree side of me, with him I don't seem to care. I feel free" she said. "Honey, that's what love is," Gwyn said.

"I love William, not Sam. I have always loved Will" she said. "Maybe Sam is the one for you, maybe he is the love you were waiting for, maybe he is the love you deserve Emmy " Gwyn said taking her hand. "William likes me now, and I like him. Sam was just my partner in the plan. Isabel likes him too. We have been great friends and maybe our story isn't meant to continue anymore" Emily said. 

"Are you sure Sam doesn't like you?" Gwyn asked, "because I have seen you a lot happier around Sam than you were ever around William, just think about it," Gwyn said. "I really hate you for making me doubt everything," she said. 

"Think about these four weeks and the four months you spent with William which one would you live again if you had a chance and I think you would have your answer then" Gwyn got up. "Where are you going?" she asked. "We are going to the salon," she said. "You need a new look," Gwyn said, "no boy is worth stressing over." 

Emily took her arm,  Gwyn always knew how to cheer her up. After a haircut and some ice cream,  Emily felt better. "Now Emmy, show up at the party and get your boy," Gwyn said. "Do you think Sam is..." she trailed off. "Was I wrong?" Gwyn asked. "Yes, about a lot of things," she said. "I am not about this besides your boyfriend wants you back, he is everything you want. Emmy whoever you choose, listen to your heart, not to me or anyone else"  Gwyn said. "I will," she said. 

Emily looked around for Sam walking down. "Happy birthday, Emily" everyone started to wish her, she thanked them and made her way to her brother in the middle of nearly sixty kids. Nearly senior showed up, after all, it was the Hale twin's birthday.

She found him talking to Steph, "Hey birthday girl" Stephanie hugged her. "Hey Steph," she said. "You look great, love the new look," she said, "thanks, hey by any chance have you seen Sam?" she asked. "Yeah, he was here when you came down, and just between us he couldn't take his eyes off you, he should be here,"  Steph said. 

"Thanks, enjoy the party,"  Emily said moving towards the door. The music was too loud for her. On the way, she saw Gwyn kiss James, "finally" she said walking out. She stood in the backyard, people were still coming, and she smiled at them. "Heard you were looking for me?" came Sam's voice. "Hi,"  she turned to see him dressed in a white shirt, the necklace she gave him hung from his neck.

"You look good," she said. "thank you, Emily, you look great too,"  he said. "Emily" he used Emily. "See,  Sam actually I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday," she said, "don't worry about it, it was" "Hey guys," Rowan called them, "the party is starting, get inside," he said. "We should go," he said. "Yeah," she walked beside him

"So, Will is into you," Sam said. "Brownie doesn't like him," Emily said. "I wonder why," Sam said. Emily just looked at him, "I am sorry" Sam said walking in. "Did you put a picture in there yet?" she asked. His fingers wrapped around the locket, "not yet,  but I will" 

The music blasted as the people started to dance, James and Gwyn were already on the dance floor. "They are finally together then?" Sam asked leaning against the wall.  "Finally, both had been pining over each other," she said, looking at him. "Dance?" he asked as Isabel walked in. "Hey, Sam, hello Emily," she said.

"Sam do you want to dance, I am sure Emily won't mind will you Em?"  she asked. Emily looked between them, each inch of her wanted to say yes. "Of course I won't mind, you should go," she said. "Let's go, Sam"  she pulled Sam to the dance floor. Sam glanced back at her she just smiled. She was an idiot to think they would ever be together. 

She turned around when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to see him staring at him, "I think I asked my girlfriend for a dance, Emily?" he gave her his gave. "So you just told her no," she asked taking it, butterflies exploding in her stomach. God no.

"Kind of," he pulled her to the mass of the students dancing as shut up and dance with me blasted from the speakers.

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