Chapter 13. "Adorable"

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"Where is your girlfriend?" Stephanie asked, drapping her arm around Sam's shoulder. The afternoon sun was moving towards the west. "Where is yours?" he asked. "There with Rowan," she said, pointing at a pretty blonde. Sam waved as Charlie blew him a kiss.

"Sam?" Stephanie started. "Yes, dearest cousin," he said, turning toward her. "I hate when you call me that, but are you seriously dating Edward's sister? She doesn't seem like your type, " she asked. "What's everyone's problem?" He asked. She was not, Emily wasn't a girl Sam would normally date. She wanted something  serious out of relationships while he couldn't care less. She was different from the girls he hooked up with, and everyone knew that.

"Yes, Steph, I am," he said, pushing his sunglasses up. "Have you seen Ed?" he asked, looking around. "Nope," Steph popped the p.

Charlie and  Rowan made their way towards them. "Have you seen Edward?" Rowan asked at the same time Sam asked about Emily. "She is here. Do I look alright?" James asked, fixing his already messy hair.

Sam turned to see Emily walking in with Gwyn, her blue sundress flowing with the wind. "Hey, Sam, let's play volleyball. You in?" Christopher asked, throwing the ball into the air. "Sure," he said. "William," Christopher asked with a smirk. Sam shook his head as everyone started dividing into two teams.

Sam saw Emily wave at him, and he waved back with a smile. Christopher intentionally placed William against him. Rowan shook his head while Edward had a grin. Sam glared at him as he raised the ball in the air.

William hit in and soon game-centered those two. Within the first ten minutes, the ball hit Sam right in the face. "Watch it," he said, walking towards William. "It was an accident, Watson," William said with a faint smile. It was not an accident. Everyone knew that.

"Are you hurt?" Emily traced her finger on the spot of his cheek. "I am fine, but I don't think he will be, anymore," Sam said, turning to see Willian and Isabel kissing, "Leave them," Emily turned his face toward her. Stephanie ran towards them, "Not hurt, are you?" she asked. "No," Sam said, sitting on the sand.

"Hi, you must be Emily. I am Stephanie, his cousin. We have never actually talked, " she said. "Yeah, hi Stephanie," Emily said. "Do you want to go for a surf?" she asked. "Um, sure," Emily said,  looking at the crashing waves.

"Gwyneth?" Stephanie asked. "I am good," she said. "Hey Gwyn," James said, holding a drink. "Hi, James," she said. Emily and Sam looked at each other. They were talking, and Gwyn didn't  s snap at him like she normally did.

"Come on then," Stephanie said. "Sure," Emily said, stepping out of her sundress. "Hey, Isa, come on," Stephanie called.

The water was cold the moment Emily stepped in, and she immediately regretted it. She looked back at William, and she intentionally wore the black swimsuit that she knew made her look good. "Ready to go?" Stephanie asked. "Yes," Isabel said, her voice filled with confidence. "Yeah," Emily said, watching a wave approach. That was it.

She swam towards it and rode it without stumbling. She was filled with excitement when she returned to the shore. "That was brilliant, Emily." Stephanie high fived her. "Thanks," she said, taking a look at Isabel's neutral face. Emily smiled at her. She would soon get a reaction out of her.

"Here," Sam handed her a towel as she dropped next to him on the sand. "She looked pissed," Emily said, drying her hair. "She is, she was the best surfer and suddenly you came," he said. "Edward taught me well. Where is he?" she looked around to see Edward and Rowan laughing. "Are they aware that they look perfect together?" Emily asked. "Not yet," Sam said. He turned towards Emily, and she seemed a bit uncomfortable. He followed her gaze, William and Isabel were laughing together, and they seemed happy.

"Hey, Emmy," he said. "Yes?" Emily turned. "Do you want to get out of here?" He asked. "Gladly," she got up  "Where are you two going?" Charlie came pulling her hair aside. "Come on, you can't leave. It won't be fun," she said. Sam and Emily looked at each other. None of them were having fun.

"Leaving so soon?" Isabel came and leaned against Charlie. "Yes," Sam said. "What a pity," she said. "We were just going to  start the fire. Is your girlfriend not comfortable enough with us?" she asked. Emily narrowed her eyes, "You know what? I am having a lot of fun, am I not, darling? You know what we will stay, " Emily said, a smile constant on her lips.

"Brilliant," Isabel went away. "You don't have to if you don't feel like it," Sam said. "I won't let her have the satisfaction, I will stay," Emily said, her lips pressed together, "you are stubborn." he shook his head. "You find it amusing?" she asked, tilting her head up. She looked adorable, he thought. "I find you adorable," he finally said.

"You should, I am adorable," she said turning away with a smile. "Whatever you say, angel," he said. "Hey guys, come here," Edward called. "Let's go, darling," she took his arm. He pressed a soft kiss on her head. "Let's go," he said. "Excuse me." William passed them, and Emily and Sam shared a smile. "He heard," she said. "I know." he kissed her knuckles.

She sat next to him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "You two look adorable," Charlie said, sitting across them. "They look strange... but in a  good way," Stephanie said. "Sure," Sam said. "Hey, I said in a good way," she said. Emily saw that she and Sam had the same smile. 

Edward sat next to Juliette, who was busy staring at Rowan. Emily caught his eyes. She raised her eyes while he rolled his eyes in response. She turned to find Gwyneth looking at her, and between Edward and Rowan, she nodded. Gwyneth put her hands over her mouth as James poked her. She shook her head, and Emily looked back at Sam. He was talking with Christopher.  She leaned back as William caught her eye. Suddenly, she felt the grip around her shoulder tighten as Sam pulled her close.

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