Chapter 5. "The Ex Pact"

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"First, we need rules," Emily said. "Rules?" Sam echoed. "Could you cooperate a bit?" Emily asked, pulling out her notebook. "Could you not try to plan everything?" he asked, looking at her pulling out her multiclored pens. "It needs a plan," Emily said, looking at him. "It needs a flow," Sam said, meeting her eyes. Emily shook her head, and strands flew out. "It can't have a flow without a plan," she said.

"Are you hearing yourself?" Sam asked. "Certainly, see Sam neither of us want you to do this, but do you see any other way?" Sam gave up. Emily looked down at the ivory sheet with a triumphant smile. "You are really stubborn, you know that?" he said. "Are you pointing out my faults now?" she asked, gasping. "Seeing everyone in this school views you as a literal angel someone has to," he shrugged.

Emily Hale was an angel, loved by all the teachers and the students. She was the star student, the head girl. She was the one everyone looked up to, but now Sam was getting a glimpse into her, a side of her that he never knew.

"I'll take it," Emily said, her smile still intact. "So angel, what is your first rule?" he asked. "Our first rule," Emily said. "Firstly," Sam watched her hair fall to her sides as she jotted down the numbers. "We have to make public appearances. I don't want anyone to find out I am fake dating you," she said. "Emily, I don't think either of us want that," he leaned in to get a closer look at the decorated paper.

"The Ex Pact" he read the heading. "Yep," Emily said. "You couldn't get a better name?" he asked. "It suits us, don't you think?" Emily asked. "Sure," Sam said with a bored tone. Emily decided to blissfully ignore him. "Secondly, we have to show up at every party they will be," Sam said as Emily wrote down, "Show up for every party - wait, how many will there be?"

"Some, I can't say," Sam said. "Great," Emily twisted her pen, "what's next?" he asked. "We could sit together in class," she said. "We have class together?" he asked. "Have been having for the last four years. Goodness, how do you get good grades without knowing half of your surroundings? " Emily said. "Talent," he shrugged, Emily narrowed her eyes at him. Could he be any cockier? She laughed at her Chandler voice.

"What? You know what never mind we could also sit together at our table in the cafeteria it would give everyone a clear view of us" Sam said. Emily agreed. "What's next?" Emily asked, "I could take you out on dates at the places everyone hangs out around," he said, "nobody is going to believe we are a couple if we don't hang out after school," he said. "I could come to your practices he is going to be there," Emily said.

"The only way they are going to buy it is if we look like we are love," Sam said. "You are doubting my love for you," she dramatically gasped. "Are you always like this? Unhinged?" he asked, his lips twitching up. "Sometimes," she shrugged. "Jesus," he whispered under his breath. "You could write me notes," she said. "Notes? As in love notes? Why?" he asked.

"I certainly won't ask you for your chemistry notes, but yes, love notes... just because they are old school and a nice gesture," she said. "And?" he poked further. "I asked Will to write, but he never did, and you could imagine what he would do when he sees you, the boy he hates most do all those things."

"And lastly, no nicknames," she said putting her phone down. "No baby, babe, sweetie, I find those cringe," she said. Sam's lips turned up. "You won't when I say it," he leaned forward. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and raised her eyebrows. "Awfully confident, aren't you?" she asked. "Looks like mine could do wonders to someone's confidence but agreed. No nicknames, " he said.

"Is there something else?" Sam asked. "We could spend time..." Emily said, pushing the paper towards him, "we suck at this," he said, taking the pen. "I realized, now sign," she said. "Wait, how long should we continue with it?" he asked. "I think a month would be enough," she said. "No, it needs to be more than a month," he said. "Two months," she said. "Done. After two months, we will part ways, " Sam said. "Never have to see each other again," she said. "If luck is on our side, we will be back with them," he said.

"How do you think they will take it?" she asked. "It will definitely be a shock," he said as the bell rang. "Let me give you a lift," he said. "I can walk," she put on her headphones. "It will take twenty minutes, let me," he said. She hesitated for a moment "Sure" she said, gathering her stuff. "Sam Watson," Katherine's voice came. Emily turned to see Sam looking at the door. "Let's go," he said, taking her hand, and they ran with Katherine calling after them

Emily laughed as she leaned against his car. "That was," she said between her breaths. "Exciting," she panted. "Welcome to my life," he said, opening the door for her. Her phone rang as William's name flashed. "Pick it up," Sam said, sitting next to her.

"What no," she said, putting it down. "Do you trust me?" he asked. "Absolutely not." "Emily, trust me on this. Pick it up," he said. "I am putting a lot of faith in you," she said. "You won't regret it," he said with a smile. She noticed he had dimples.

"Hello," Emily said. "Hi, Emily. I called to," William said. "Hey babe, we are still going out tonight, right?" Sam said.

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