Chapter 10. "The legacy?"

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"Congratulations, Sam," Isabel said, climbing the stairs. She stood in front of him, with a smile he fell for every time. "Um, thank you, Isabel," he took a step back, his heart pounding in his ribcage. She looked down but didn't say anything, but her smile grew, "See you at the party, Sam," she said, walking away. He watched her go, he was still in love with her and the worst part was that she knew.

Sam watched Emily laughing at something James said. She was beautiful, and a smile spread on his lips as he walked towards her. Looking at her brought a smile, there was definitely something about Emily Hale. "What did she want?" Emily whispered, leaning against his chest. Sam leaned in, her head rested perfectly under his chin. "She just congratulated me," he said. Emily turned, "That's all?" she asked. "Yes, what else were you expecting?" he said. "Emmy, let's go," Edward said before she could answer. "See you there," Sam said feeling an emptiness when she left, "Sam," Emily called out. "Yeah?" he asked. "Wear something nice," she said.

"I will," he said as she joined her brother. "You seem to smile a lot now?" James asked. "Shut up," he said. "Don't play with her heart, Sam. She is a nice person, " Rowan said. "I know," Sam said, watching her go. "I won't," he said when she turned, he waved at her with a grin that grew each time she was around. The smile stayed on his lips long after she was gone.

He drove home, and the white envelope stayed on his car seat. "How was the game?" his father asked, sitting on their couch. "What are you doing here?" he asked, still holding the half-closed door. "Where is Mom?" he looked around. "I came to meet my son," he stood up. "Yeah, right. So what do you want, Dad?" he asked. "How was the game?" he asked. "Why are we doing this again? Why are you here?" he asked. "I am getting married," his father said as he stopped talking.

He blinked at him, "I and Davina are getting married in two months. Be there, and that is not a request. " he walked past Sam. Sam sat on the couch as the door opened once again. "You are home?" he asked, looking up. His mother walked in, holding a bag of groceries. He took them from her and set them on the table. "Let me cook tonight," he said. "You have a victory to enjoy, love," she hugged him. "Everything can wait," he said, sitting next to her.

"You know?" he asked. "Yes, and you should go. He is your father, " she said. "Since when? we met a total of six times since I was seven," he said. "It doesn't matter, I raised you better than this pettiness. You will go to your party and then his wedding and Sam take a date will you?" she asked. "I will try," he said. "You will take a date," she said. She ruffled his hair, "That's my boy. Take some rest, you look tired."

He switched on the TV, "the football legend Leo Watson is soon tying the knot with his long-time girlfriend Davina Hastings," he switched it off. "The media knows before us," he said. His mother didn't say anything. "You knew?" he asked, turning around. "I did," she said. "I need to complete my manuscript. The dinner will be in the fridge," she said, walking up the stairs, "Have fun." Sam heard her door close.

He looked at the picture his mother still kept, his parent's wedding picture. They looked happy, in love, he looked away. After everything, his mother still believed in love, "the world would be a terribly dull place without love," she would say. He shook his head and changed into a shirt. He would never turn out like him. No matter what happened in his life.

He made a sandwich for his mother and locked the door behind him. The acceptance letter was still lying on his seat. He couldn't help but wonder if it was because his father was famous. They viewed him as his father's legacy. Was he? He turned up the music and made his way to Emily's house.

On the way, he crossed a flower shop and made a swift U-turn. "A bouquet of lilies, please," he asked, pulling out his wallet. "You are that player's son," the old man in the shop said. "Yes," he said, handing him the money. He smiled as he placed the bouquet in his car. She might like it, he thought, stopping in front of her house.

He took the bouquet and knocked on the door. "Come in," Edward said, opening the door. Sam walked in as Edward eyed the bouquet. Sam handed it to him, "funny," he said, tying his shoes, "your girlfriend is still up," he said.

"Hello Sam," Mrs. Hale said, coming in. "Mrs. Hale," he said. "For you," he gave her the bouquet. "Thank you, son," she said. Sam winked at Edward, who just shook his head. "Dad is the tough cookie, impress him, and then be smug," he said. "I will soon, you will see," he said, sitting next to him.

"Do you know her boyfriend of four years didn't manage to do it?" he said. "Do you know I have been talking with your father since I was six? He loves me, " he said. "Exactly, have you wondered what he would think when he hears you are dating his little girl? The betrayal, " he said,"it will be definitely fun to watch."

"You know, this won't scare me. I like Emily, I enjoy her company. She makes me happy, I will be with her, and as she said, deal with it, " he said. "Fine, but where is she?" Edward said. "Emily," he called out. "Sam is here."

"Coming," her voice came from upstairs.

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