Chapter 49. "The start"

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"She doesn't want to speak with me," Sam said, getting into the car. "I can talk to her," Edward said. "Do you honestly think she will listen? That's Emily. We are talking about," Rowan said. "What are you going to do now?" James said. "Do I look like I have an idea?" Sam asked. "You can't do anything until you two speak," Stephanie said. "Thank you for stating the absolute obvious, Steph,"  Sam said. "Just try to again at school tomorrow, see if there is an improvement, see if she is willing to talk. Give it some time," Charlie said.  Sam nodded.

The next day at school saw no improvement and neither the next nor the days after. Whenever  Sam tried to talk to her, she's avoided it. William and Isabel were back together while  Sam and Emily couldn't get a word out. 

Emily didn't want to speak about it ever again, or to him for that matter. She laid her heart out to him, and he did nothing but crush it. She didn't want to get hurt again, and the best way she thought was to avoid Sam altogether. She was successful in it until a week later. "Emily," Gwyn said, "what?" she asked, not looking up from her books. "You should see this," she said, pushing his love notes towards her. "I don't think I want to," she said. "I think you should. Maybe we were wrong," Gwyn said. Emily hesitantly opened the first one. "I think you should wear blue often, it brings out your eyes." "I read the books in your room, you have great taste in them," the second crumpled one said.

"Are you and Sam dating?" Roland Fisher asked, sitting across her. She put the notes away, she was used to this question and every time her answer was the same, "no, for the last time I am not dating Sam Watson, not anymore," she said when the voice came. "Is this working?" Sam's voice came loud from the class speaker. She looked up to see all the students staring at her.

Gwyn immediately came to sit beside and glared at anyone who looked her way. Emily reached for her hand, "what is going on?" she asked. "I have no clue, I haven't seen James or anyone else the entire day," she said. "Think so," Edward said. Emily and Gwyn looked at each other. Everyone was whispering. "What are they doing?" Emily asked. "Just listen, will you?" Gwyn said. 

"Do you know something I don't know?" Emily asked. "No," Gwyn said a little too quickly she definitely knew something. "Rowan, do something," James said. "I am fucking trying James, calm down," Rowan said as the sound of rapid pressing of buttons came.

"It's on," Edward said. "Hello?" James said. "Give to Sam, you idiot," Rowan said. "Shut up all of you, Ed?" Sam asked. "All clear, go," he said. "Alright," Sam said. "Sam Watson is in the record room," Emily heard one of their teachers say. "How did he get the keys," the other one said walking towards the record room as Emily looked at  Jolene, their announcer smiling.

"Emily," she heard him say, "I have no other choice as this is the only way I can reach you. I am in love with you, it is as easy as that. You are the one I love, the one I care for, The one I want. It doesn't have to be complicated, Emmy. We can work it, I can work it with you by my side. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the reason why my life is better, why I am happier. You brought so much joy into my life the moment you stepped into it. I was five when I knew we would end up together and at seventeen I still believe in it. The only thing I  am sure about is  my love for you," 

"Sam, the teachers, quick" James said. "If you still feel he same way for me meet me at our place,  I will be there," he said. "Sam," Edward said and the mic went off. Everyone was staring at her while she just looked down, she knew she was in love with him but was she willing to take the risk of heartbreak?

"What are you going to do?" Gwyn whispered. She knew the answer, "I am going,' she stood up as she heard cheers follow her out of the classroom. He was worth every risk, he was worth every heartbreak, to her he was worth everything. 

She stopped when she saw him, there he was standing with his back turned. She smiled as she saw all his friends see her. Then he turned, and their eyes met, that moment she remembered the first day they met and each day that followed. She realized how much in love with him she was her whole life. He was not a boy she never thought she would fall for before fell harder than anyone else. 

"You came?" he said walking towards him. "I did," she said getting on her tiptoes. "I am glad," he said pressing their lips together. Her hands went to his hair, interlacing with his soft hair she had become familiar with, while he pulled her closer by the waist. "I fell in love with you, Emily," he said. "We both flew," she said, maybe the romance books were right, everyone finds someone who makes them feel like the main character in a romance novel and for her it was Sam.

"Let's go on a date, a real one this time?" he asked. "I will look forward to it," she said. He interlaced his fingers with hers, and looked at her how she always wanted. She got on her tiptoes once again, this was their start. The moment they became real.

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