Chapter 23. "Run away with me"

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"What's wrong?" Emily whispered from the bathroom stall. "Firstly the guests are coming at his father's party, it's nearly seven thirty and to top it all his father just showed up. Bring him immediately" Gwyn said anxiously. Emily held her head, "he is not going to like it," she said.

"We will manage him, just bring him as soon as you can," Rowan said. "What about the tree house?" she asked. "We called Stephanie and Charlie and we all will be there," Edward said. "The food and the decorations are done, just bring him," James said. "Why is his father walking towards us" she heard Gwyneth's voice, and they hung up.

"Do you skip the whole party and go somewhere just us?" Sam asked. "I really don't want to waste my birthday at that party he is throwing," he said. "You should go and maybe stay there for an hour or so, and then we can sneak out," she said. "I will look forward to it," he said driving back to his lakehouse.

"Happy birthday Sam" the birthday wishes flowed the moment he entered. Sam reached for her hand, she interlaced their fingers he tightened the grip, "I am here" she whispered. "I am glad," he said leading her to the center of the party. He saw several unknown faces, he looked around for his friends, they were the only people he recognized, his father redid the guest list and none of the people from his high school were there. All he saw were boys in stuffy suits

"He really went out of his way," Stephanie said. "Where is Charlie?" he asked. "Didn't make the list, he is homophobic" Stephanie said "Sam" his father called, "I have to introduce you to some people?" he said. "What is he doing here?" he turned to see men dressed in suits. This wasn't a party he would have thought. "Sam" he called again, "go," James said. "I am going" he turned towards them, "I will stay barely an hour here," he said and walked towards them.

"Everything's good?" Emily asked leaning against the drink counter he set up. "Everything is ready," Gwyn said. "Good," she said taking a sip of the fruity drink, Gwyn gave her. Emily saw Sam shine among all the others, there was something about him that made him stand apart from the crowd. Something special, maybe it was his smile or his charms, whatever it was, it made him who he was. Sam was sunshine, sarcasm, and beauty.

She saw him get increasingly bored amidst the conversations, she caught him glancing at them. Isabel joined him, and she saw him step back, "should we leave?" she asked. "His father will leave in fifteen minutes max and then we can leave," Edward said. The music started to grow louder as people came into the dance floor.

"Is it me or is everyone here suddenly waltzing?" Rowan said. "Did he set up a theme?" Emily asked looking at the perfect movements. "That's how everyone we know dresses elaborately and unnecessarily," Stephanie said. "I feel weird in my trousers," Gwyn said. "I think you look great," James said, Edward rolled his eyes," we all are underdressed including, Sam himself," he said.

More and more people joined the stage, Emily started walking towards him, surrounded by a flock of girls. "Where are you going?" Gwyn called, "I think I will have a dance, take the car out," Emily said. "Don't you want to dance?" she heard one of the girls say. "I am fine," Sam said, stepping away, it wasn't like him. He basked in his popularity. She would hate to say that she didn't enjoy him get uncomfortable but his father was on his way out.

She tapped his shoulder, "dance?" she asked stretching her hand out. "Of course," he said taking her hand in his, "excuse me, ladies," he said leading her to the middle of the floor, a large glass chandelier hung above them.

"Thank you," he said placing his hand on her waist. She took his hand, "I thought you liked the attention" she said as he slowly swayed her. "Not always," he said holding her close, she felt nice with him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I don't know how to waltz," she said. "I don't care, you are here that's enough," he said spinning her around.

She smiled at him and watched his father leave. She glanced at Edward, the rest were not there. Suddenly the soft ballroom music shifted into a loud pop, Sam looked at her and the confusion around. Emily looked at Edward winking at her. "Dance, darling?" she asked. He spun her around to the beat, "let's run" she said.

"Wait, what?" he asked as they danced along. "Run away with me, Sam through that exit. Let's leave this party," she said. Sam looked at her for a moment, "let's do it then" he gave her a hand and they ran. Passing the guest, Emily clasped his hand tighter as he looked back at her.

"That was not expected out of you," Sam said leaning against the door, he was smiling. He looked his best when he was happy, she always wanted to see him like that.

"I am full of surprises, come on let's go away" Emily took his hand leading him to his car. She stumbled on the stone, Sam caught her, "Be careful, Emmy" he said as she opened the door for him. He raised his eyebrows, "it's only fair, get in Sam" she closed the door after he got in.

"Where are you going?" he asked, rolling around the windows. "You will see darling for now just drive," she said feeling the wind in her hair.

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