Chapter 44. "The wedding"

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The doorbell rang at exactly six. Emily looked at herself in the mirror and walked down. "Where are you going?" her mother asked. "I have a date,"  she said. "Tell Sam to come inside," she said, pushing her glasses up. "It's not, It's not Sam," Emily said. "Then who is it?" she asked. 

"It's Will," she said with a smile. "You two are back together?" she asked. "Yes, we are," she said, walking towards the door,  "Bye Mum," she closed the door behind her. "Let's go,"  she told Will as she got out. Will drove her to the café she and Sam spent numerous evenings in. She tried to get Sam out of her mind and focus on William.

"Hello, Emily," a waitress told her, pushing her brown curl out of her eye. "Hi Angela," Emily smiled, "Should I get you your usual blueberry pie?" she asked. "No thanks, I think I will try something different," she said. "Sure, where is Sam?" she asked. Emily's eyes immediately went to William. 

"I have no idea, Angela, meet my boyfriend, William," she said. "Hello, William," she smiled, "what can I get the happy couple?" she asked. "A blueberry pie,"  Emily said. "William?" she asked. "A strawberry shortcake, please,"  he said. "On the way," she turned. 

"You and Sam used to  come here often?" William asked. "Somedays, yeah," she said, twisting her pearl bracelet. "Cool," he said. Emily nodded, and they started talking once again. Everything seemed like how it was before, but no matter how much Emily tried, they would never like how they were before he left her for Isabel. "I had a nice time tonight," he said, stopping in front of her house. 

"Me too," she said. "I would like to do that again sometime if you want," he said. "I would like that," she said. He nodded and leaned in. She connected their lips, and she closed her eyes as his hand went to her hair. After she pulled back, she was sure he wasn't the one for her anymore. "Goodnight, Emmy," he said. "Goodnight, William," she said. 

"I see you are back again with that twat," Edward said the moment she walked in. "Could you give me a moment before you start rambling about how much you hate him? I am in love with him alright, Ed you aren't so your opinion doesn't really matter" she said, sitting next to him.

"Do you?" he asked. "Do I what?" she said. "Do you love him?". She didn't know, but she couldn't say that to her brother. "I do, I am in love with him and everyone says we were meant to be together," she said. "Who cares what everyone else thinks, what matters is what you think Emily, do you even think he is the one after he cheated on you?"  he asked. 

 "Everyone makes mistakes," she said. "I never thought you would be someone to put up with that," he said. "You can't sit here and pass judgments about my love life," she said. "I am just saying, don't try making broken thing work. Some things break for a reason," he said.

"Though you dated my best friends and I really don't like you two for that but there was only one time I saw Sam in love and that was with you, take it as you will," he got up. Emily didn't know how to take it. 

As days passed she went back with William, Sam and Isabel seemed like a happy couple too. After two weeks the news about their breakup seemed to dim down as everything started going to the way before everything. Sam and Emily just smiled at each other at hallways or parties. It went back to how it was at the start of senior year, they became strangers once again.

"I can't take it, Isabel just listen to me"  Sam tried once again. "Why should I Sam, you don't seem to care about me anymore, these three weeks you were distracted., she said. "I can't give my attention twenty-four seven I have a life that doesn't revolve around you," he said. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" she asked, taking a step back. "I can't deal with it anymore so if you think I am breaking with you, I am," he said. "Where is this coming from, do you not love me anymore?" she said. Before he could answer she walked away. "Isabel" he called after her. "Forget it, Sam," she said.

"Jesus," Sam said closing his eyes, these three weeks have been a nightmare for him. Being with Isabel was not how he thought, "rough patch?" came a familiar voice. Sam's lips immediately curled up. "Yeah but it's part of the routine we will be back together, tomorrow or the day after, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Waiting for Gwyn she is going to drive me today but she is nowhere I can see," he said. "I think she went with James," he said. "What?" she asked checking her phone, she definitely did.

"Great, see you later Sam, I have to walk back," she said. "I can drive you, it's no problem I am used to it, come on" he opened the door for her. "Forgot you were a gentleman" she got in the familiar car, once again " here" he handed her, her scrunchie. "You kept it?" she asked. "I didn't know when to give it back to you," he said. "Thanks," she took it as their fingers brushed against each other.

"How are things with you and William, you two seem happy,"  he said. "Things are fine, just.." "different" he completed. "Exactly, well the wedding is tomorrow," she said. "Don't remind me," he started his car. "Isa won't go with me and my father insists I bring a date," he said. "I can go with you," Emily said before she could stop herself.

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