Chapter 36. "I don't care"

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The day Emily went to school, she noticed a shift. William seemed to smile more brightly at her, the smile she fell for every time, and Isabel seemed to throw sour looks at her whenever she could. Maybe they were right. Maybe William did want her back, but was she willing to take him back? She was, that was why she went through everything. She was not giving up so easily on their forever. He was the one for her no matter what anyone said. 

"Hello, darling." she kissed Sam's cheek as soon as she entered their shared class. "Hello, angel," he said as she sat next to him. "What are you doing tonight?" she asked, noticing William's glance her way. She completely turned toward him. "He is looking, isn't he?" Sam asked. "He is," she said with a bright smile that brought out all her features.

"You look good. Did you do something different?" Sam asked, running his eyes over her face. Emily was surprised he noticed, "I applied a bit of makeup today, I woke up looking like a zombie," she said. "You should wear it more often. It brings out your best features," he said. "I will," she said. "So, are you free tonight, I thought we could have a picnic at the" "I can't," he said.

Emily suddenly felt a bit of sadness, but he was allowed to have other things rather than spend nearly all of his time with her. "Oh," she said, watching  Ms. Seve enter her brown hair arranged in a fishtail braid. "I actually have Mum's book launch today," he said. 

"Really? tell her I said congratulations,' she said. "Perhaps you could tell her yourself,  maybe you would like to come?" he asked, her heart leaped. "I would love to. When should I reach?" she asked. "Around five, I will pick you up," he said. "Sure," she said. "Take out your notebooks," Ms. Seve said as they looked back at their notes. "She is looking this way," Emily whispered. "Just don't look back," Sam said.

"Hi," William said as soon as the class ended. "Hey," Emily said, still putting her books in her bag. "Let me help you with that." he handed her a few of her books. "Um, thanks," she saw, looking between him and Sam, who didn't bother to look away. "Emmy, um, I was wondering what you were doing this evening, maybe we could do something together... maybe" he was interrupted.

"She is busy," Sam said, wrapping his arms around her shoulder. "I am sorry, Will, but I just have Mrs. Watson's book today," she said. "I understand, completely." he took a step back. Maybe it was Isabel walking past them or Sam continuously glaring at him. "We can do it some other times as friends," she added, watching his smile fall for a moment. "As friends, sure," he said. "See you later, Emmy. Watson" he gave him a cold look and walked out.

"Good work of being the hot, jealous boyfriend, well played," she said, turning towards him. "Did you just call me hot?' he asked with a smirk. "Maybe, let's go, we are late," she said, pulling him out. "Good luck on your Spanish test today," he said. "I need all the luck I can get," she said. "Hey, you will remember who taught you. You will ace it, I believe in you, " he said, giving her a hug. "It will be fine," he whispered. "Good luck on French," she said. "I am definitely going to ace it," he said, walking away.

The test was pretty easy, and by the end of it, she was sure she was getting an A. "I aced it," she said, walking past Gwyn. Gwyn just nodded. Emily pulled by her arm, stopping her from waking any further. "What is wrong with you now?" she asked. "Do you think James still likes me?" she asked. "Absolutely, the boy looks at you like you are his whole world," she said.

"I don't know, Emmy. I don't know like we have been talking. "And you are slowly falling for him, " Emily said. "I am not falling for him," Gwyn said, causing the girl in front of them and turning back. "I am sorry," Gwyn whispered. "Nice earrings," Emily said as the girl moved ahead. "Denial is the first step. Just admit that you like him," Emily said.

"Fine, I like James Hart in a more than a friend way," Gwyn finally said. Emily squealed, "Did you just squeal?" Gwyn asked. "Right, sorry too excited," she let a breath, "continue."Thank you," Gwyn said, pulling her towards the café. "I don't think he likes me anymore," Gwyn said. "Absolutely rubbish," Emily said, waving at a sophomore.

"How many kids do you know?" Gwyn asked. "Many, you continue," she said. "Right, so I saw Patricia talking to him, god, I hate her."Me too," Emily said. "You have no idea who I am talking  about, do you?" Gwyn asked. "Absolutely not, but the people you hate are the people I hate," she said.

"Wait, you might remember her, the girl we met at summer camp," she said. "Pretentious Patty?" Emily asked, clearly remembering a girl kicking her in the stomach. "Yep, that one," Gwyn said. "Look there," she pointed at a girl talking to James, "let's hear them." Emily pulled her towards the table closest to them, "Emmy, we shouldn't," she said. "Shut up, Gwyneth."

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