Chapter 8. "First loves?"

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"You are seriously dating Sam Watson, the Sam Watson," Gwyn said, still somehow finding the whole mess funny. "Are you done laughing?" Emily asked, getting more and more annoyed with each passing second. "Right, yeah, sorry," Gwyn tried to calm herself, "but dude, I would have never guessed you two dating," she leaned against the white kitchen counter. "That's why we work," Emily thought. "I wonder what the others would think?" Gwyn continued.

"It would be a shock," Emily said, echoing Sam's words. "He is actually perfect, you know." Gwyn started looking out of the window. "Really?" Emily asked. "Yes, he is better than Will. You two had better chemistry in those four minutes than you had with Will in these four years," Gwyn said. Emily put down the dish she was washing. "That is not true," she said, drying her hands.

"It is, I saw the way you two look at each other. It is different. Good and mostly the biggest plus is" she lowered her tone, "he is Isabel's ex." Emily looked at her. "She will be pissed and so will William. It is a win-win for you. A hot boyfriend and a way to get into your ex's skin, " she said. "I didn't. Didn't think of that, " Emily said, turning around with a smile.

"So you told him about your crush on him?" Gwyn asked, sitting opposite her. Emily shushed her. "I don't have," she looked at the door, "a crush on him." "Really?" Gwyneth raised her eyebrows. "No, I was seven," she said. "He was your first love, and they never vanish. Goodness, you are with your first crush, " she said with a broad smile, Emily shook her head. Behind them, someone cleared their throat. "Shit," Emily whispered. It was clearly not her day.

Sam stood leaning against the doorway with a smirk playing on his lips. By the look, Emily knew he had heard everything. Emily cursed her luck. Today was not her day, she thought again. "I can come back later," he said. "No, she is all yours," Gwyn said, winking at Emily before leaving.

"What did my brother say?" Emily asked. "You had a crush on me?" Sam asked, taking Gwyn's spot. Emily could feel her cheeks heat up, "'s bad to eavesdrop," she turned toward him. "It's difficult not to when you hear your name," he said. "So?" he asked. "So?" she echoed. "You did?" he asked. "You heard," she said. Sam still had a smile. "Stop it," she said. "Can't help, angel. I would never have guessed it, you having a crush on me, " he said.

"You are very difficult to like," she said. "I'll take it," he shrugged. "You are going to make me regret it, aren't you?" she asked. "Oh, yes, absolutely," he said. "What did you want?" she asked. "The match, it's tomorrow try to sit at the front," he said. "The front?" she asked. The front was usually filled with the most crowd, friends cheering, girlfriends giggling. She never sat there despite William wanting her to.

"I will try," she said, standing up, and he followed. "So..." he started leaning back against their white kitchen counter. "Are you trying to make small talk?" she asked. "Yes," he replied without any hesitation. "Sam," she started when he suddenly turned, "Rowan and James are watching," she whispered, looking at their reflection in the mirror.

"They need to get a life," he whispered back, looking at her. "Gwyn and Edward too," he said, watching Gwyn's and Edward's pop up behind. "Edward went," she said. "He seems angry," he said in a low voice. "He will get over it," she whispered. "Look at me," Sam said. Emily looked at him. "Let's give them something to look at," he said as he slowly took her waist. Tingles ran through her body at his touch. He pulled and closed, and her breath hitched.

"Hold still," he whispered, removing a strand of black hair from her eyes. He tucked it behind her ear. She held her breath, and she noticed how green his eyes were, how long his eyelashes were, his fingers ghosting over her skin. She noted he smelled of freshly baked cookies. He took her cheek on his one hand and covered their side with her hair.

"Do you bake?" she asked. "What?" he whispered, taken aback. He started to pull back when she clutched his shirt and pulled him close, "Do you bake?" she asked again. She saw a red covering his cheek, which she found adorable. "I would have never guessed," she smiled. "I have many talents," he said. "I intend to find every one of them," she said. "Good luck," he said, leaning in. Emily tried to even her breathing. "I think they are gone," he whispered. She could feel his hot breath on her skin. "Right," she said. He removed his hand, and she looked anywhere but him, "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I am fine, perfectly brilliant," she said, trying to laugh. "Really? because you seem rather flushed, " he said, smirking. She narrowed her eyes at him. "You," she started. "See you at the game tomorrow, angel," he said, walking away. She could hear him laugh. He had a soft laugh, she thought. Before leaving, he stopped, "Hey Emily?" he called out. "Yeah?" she said. "You were also pretty cute at seven," he said. "Thank you, Sam," she said. "You're welcome, Emily." With that, he was gone.

She watched him get in his car, and Rowan and James were already driving away. He waved at her. She waved back and closed the blue curtains. She put on her headphones and walked up to her room. "Emily," her mother called from the couch. "Yes, Mum?" she pulled her headphones out.

"Are you alright?" she asked, pulling her glasses away. Emily pressed her lips, she knew Edward told her about the breakup. "I will be," Emily said, walking up to her room. She passed Edwards's room, and she would talk to him later.

She locked her door and pulled out a white box below her bed. It had all her memories, all the trinkets she saved throughout her childhood. She searched for some time and found the photo she looked for. They were eight that summer, it was her in a blue dress and Sam in his white shorts, he was staying with them that Sunday.

She rubbed her thumb around the creases and put it back. That was not how seven-year-old her would have thought she and Sam would be when they would be older.

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