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My sister and I made out lucky when it came to being born in our family.

Briana and I are identical twins, we're twenty three years old.

Growing up, the two of us were ALWAYS being spoiled by our parents, considering we're daddy's little girls forever.

Our father is known to the neighborhood as Snoop. He's the big dog of the town, no one messes with us.

Daddy used to be a big time drug lord back in the day when our older brothers were kids, even before that, too.

Everyone knows daddy isn't to play with.

Nipsey is the oldest out of us four. He's thirty six. Since Nipsey is the oldest, he LOVES to play the role of our second father.

Caring, loving, and extremely over protective.

Then there's Gary, our thirty four year old brother. He's protective too, just not as protective as Nip is.

A tragedy happened in our family when Briana and I were fifteen.

Our mother ended up passing away from street related situations. So ever since then, daddy stepped back from all the street shit.

Daddy just makes sure we're all protected and safe now. But as of enjoying street activities, he bounced back from it.

Did I forget to mention Lauren? Oh my gosh, she's the sweetest!

Lauren is Nipsey's wife, they got married four years ago.

Lauren really helped Nipsey get his head back on straight after mom's passing. Nipsey was headed the wrong direction, the same direction as our parents were.

Then, one day, he met Lauren and he switched his act up.

Lauren is the best thing that could ever happen to Nipsey, honestly.

Speaking of people who have held us out of the dark during our rough times, I almost forgot to mention my sweet Keenon.

Keenon and I have been together for four years.

It's quite funny, we ended up meeting at Nipsey and Lauren's wedding because Keenon came as a guest. He's one of Nip's best friends.

Daddy doesn't like the age difference between us. He's thirty two. Daddy also doesn't like the fact that Keenon is apart of the street life.

Nipsey doesn't like the fact that he's a bit older than me, and that he's one of his closest friends.

But, shit happens. Right?

Keenon stepped back from the street activity a lot too, ever since his uncle got shot and killed because of it.

The street is absolutely nothing to play with.

Then, we have my best friend since high school; Kehlani.

She's held me down through the darkness, too.

BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND | DAVE EASTWhere stories live. Discover now