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"Nipsey, please tell me what to do right now! I am SO lost!"

I begged Nipsey as we sat down on my bed. Nipsey wrapped one of his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"You gotta do what you feel is best for you, baby sis. I know you're going through a lot right now. Between the loss of me and your son only six months apart. But, I know you got this. Just do what's best for you, and what you want in your heart."

"You're right, Nip. You always used to be so right. I love and miss you so much."

"I love and miss you more, T. But just know I'm always watching over you, and with you every single step of the way."
I was woken up from my dream by Briana roughly shaking me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her.

Chester was sleeping down on my feet.

"What, Bri?"

"You've been sleeping all day. I know you had a pretty depressing night last night, but it's already two thirty. I already contacted your job to tell them what happened, and they're giving you two weeks off to grieve."

Oh yeah.

THAT really did happen.

I really DID lose my baby, and Dave really did end up moving out because of the huge argument with my family.


"On a slight happier note, Lauren is downstairs with Kross. She's here to visit for a week."

Suddenly, a small head popped into my door.

There was my precious nephew looking at me.

"Hi, Nani! I missed you so much!"

Kross came running over to me, jumping in my bed next to me. I smiled and hugged him tightly, kissing him all over his face.

"My baby, Krossy Pooh! You're getting so tall on me! You're gonna be tall just like daddy was."

"Mommy told me that daddy took your baby to heaven with him so he won't be lonely. But don't worry, Nani. I'll never leave you. I'll always be your baby."

Kross gave me a big, warm smile.

His adorableness along with his kind words made me happy but emotional at once.

"T, you have a delivery of roses. Some kid named.. Daniel."

Gary said as he walked into my room with a beautiful dozen of pink roses.

Daniel really does know a lot about me

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Daniel really does know a lot about me.

Not a lot of people know my favorite kind of flowers.

That means he genuinely studies me as a person.

There was a note attached to the roses that said:

I am so sorry for your tragic loss. I can't even imagine what you're going through. Just know if you ever wanna talk, I'm here to listen. Hope to see you again soon.

"Whoever Daniel is, he seems to really like you."

Briana spoke. I nodded in agreement and looked up at her.

"He does. I'm just not interested in him like he is me."

"Why not?"

"Did everyone magically just forget that I have a boyfriend?"

"No, no one forgot. Gary, dad, and I DID have a conversation last night, though.."


"We don't really think that you're in love with Dave like you think you are."

"Why would you guys say that..? I am..."

"Just hear us out. You and Keenon were together for four years straight. You and Keenon broke up, and you were with Dave like two weeks later. You never gave yourself time to heal from a four year relationship. After Nipsey passed, you seemed happy with Dave for like two months after that. Then, we started to realize that maybe you just kept Dave around just because he was Nip's best friend, and you still wanted to feel close to him through Dave.."

"What? That's absolutely ridiculous. I have Kross to feel close to Nip. Kross is Nip's son for god sake."

"This is the first time you're seeing Kross since Nip's funeral, six months ago. Dave has always been the one around you most, who has reminded you most of Nip. You don't agree?"

I mean, I do see what they're all saying. But me personally, I don't think that's what the case is.

I genuinely do love Dave from the bottom of my heart. It's just, majority of the time, we don't exactly see eye to eye like we should.

Which, can be very toxic...

"I love Dave, Bri..."

"Do you love HIM or the IDEA of him? Come on, when does Dave ever do romantic for you and show you love? In front of EVERYONE, not just in private? The last loving thing he's did for you for real, is when he gave you Chester. Almost seven months ago."

"He tried setting up a romantic bath for us last night.."

"Yeah, when NO ONE else is around. PLUS, it seems like he somehow forgot you were pregnant and added wine to it. How the fuck do you forget your girlfriend is pregnant? So damn inconsiderate, if you ask me."

Where exactly is all of this coming from?

My family used to love Dave, or at least acted like they did.

But now that everything is hitting the fan, they all wanna come out and say that they've always had an issue with him being around me or dating me?

It just doesn't seem to make any sense to me, honestly.

"So, what are you suggesting, Bri?"

"I honestly think you should stay single and focus on you. You need to get yourself back on the right track. You literally gave yourself no time to heal from anything. Especially now that you just lost a baby, you need to be alone to figure stuff out so you don't slip deeper. Start going to art school, you LOVE art. That's what both Nip AND mom would want from you. Just think about it."

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