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When I rolled up to Tiana's crib later on that day, I seen Nipsey outside talking to Keenon.

Right when it started to look like it was getting aggressive, I hopped out of the car after I quickly parked it, running up to them.

"What the fuck is you doing here, my nigga?!"

"I'm here, looking for my girl! I been trying to apologize to her, but she keep blocking me out!"

"I keep telling you, she don't want nothing to do with you no more, man! You hurt her, she ain't gonna fall victim for your games like Catelyn did!"

Nipsey shouted. Keenon started becoming more aggressive and angrier by the second.

"If you don't tell me where Tiana is right now, I'm fucking all of you up!"

"Keep talking, you bitch ass nigga! Cause I been waiting for the perfect moment to fuck you up! Keep talking shit!"

I was about to throw a punch when Nipsey held me back.

"Calm down, bro! This nigga not worth it!"

"It IS worth it when he keep talking the shit about MY GIRL!"


Both Nipsey and Keenon questioned in shock at the same time.

Shit. That really came out at that very second, didn't it?

"Nigga, repeat yourself! What do you mean YOUR GIRL?!"

Keenon questioned me again. I looked at him, finally throwing a massive punch to his face.


"Yo, yo! What the fuck is going on out here?!"

Snoop came running outside to the front where we were all at. Before I could even respond, Nipsey answered quickly.

"I am SO tired of this bullshit!"

"What? What's wrong, son?"

"First it was Keenon, NOW it's Dave! First Keenon was fucking around with Tiana, and now Dave is! Can I trust ANY of you niggas around my sister?! Especially you, Dave! You're like a fucking brother to me, nigga! And you fucking around with T?! That's like fucking your sister!"

"But she ain't my sister, dawg! That's YOUR sister! I ain't mean for ANY of this to happen, I really didn't! You think I wanted to be the next one to fall for ya little sister?! Hell nah! It just happened!"

"This is some bullshit!"

".... I mean, at least she's not with Keenon no more. That's a relief."

Snoop spoke up. When I tell you I wanted to laugh so hard, I genuinely wanted to. But, I know it was far from the right moment.

"Fuck you, old man! I never liked your stupid ass anyways!"

"Listen here, you gang banging muthafucka! I can EASILY call the police and get you arrested for trespassing on MY damn property! Don't you come up to my crib starting this bullshit!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

We all heard Briana shout. There Briana was, standing there with Tiana, watching the four of us go back and forth with each other.

"This is what we do now, T?! You done left me to be with this foolish ass nigga?!"

"What are you even doing here, Keenon?!? Can't you take hints?! I don't wanna be with your stupid ass anymore!"

"Tiana, what the hell is going on with you?! FIRST, you stay with Keenon for four years, THEN you just automatically jump to Dave?! Can you not find anyone else your age range and who's NOT my best friend?!"

Nipsey came down on Tiana hard. It broke my heart to see the way things were going.

But, I know it wasn't exactly my place to step in unless I was being talked to.

"Why does everything always have to be about you, Nipsey?! Huh?! Why can't everyone else just be happy around you like you're happy?!"

"Because, I don't go around sleeping and dating your fucking best friend! How would you feel if I fucking did?!"

".... In Kehlani's defense, she's a lesbian. She eats pussy for a living."

Briana spoke up randomly. I swear, this whole entire family is just deadass hilarious.

They be making me want to die laughing at the worst times.

"Briana, shut the fuck up! Ain't nobody talking to you right now! Is there anything else I need to know while we're at it?!"

"Tiana's two weeks pregnant. Which is why she's been sick ever since. It's not mine, though. Sadly."

"What?! With that guy from the club?! You barely know him!

Snoop looked over at Tiana seriously. Nipsey just stood there in silence, shaking his head in pure disappointment.

Keenon shook his head with a laugh.

"This shit is crazy as fuck to me. Yah clearly got enough going on in this dysfunctional ass family right now, so imma just take myself outta the equation."

"That's yo best bet right now, my nigga. Cause you got one more time to fuck with us, and imma knock you into the year 4005."

Snoop gave Keenon a dirty ass look as he walked away to his car.

Nipsey then looked back and forth at me and Tiana.

"You two? Are extremely unbelievable. I expected this typa shit from Keenon. But you, Dave? Never from you. I really can't believe this. I don't think I'll ever be able to accept this shit."

"Nipsey, please dont hate me for this... I'm sorry, neither of us didn't mean for this to happen..."

Tiana begged as she started to cry. Snoop took Tiana into his arms, comforting her.

"I gotta get home to my wife and kids."

Nipsey then coldly walked off from all of us, leaving a hysterical Tiana crying into Snoop's arms.

Snoop hugged her tightly, cooing her to try to calm her down.

"It's gonna be okay, baby girl. Just give your brother some time. He can't ever hate you, he's your oldest brother, your biggest protector. The best thing to do is to just give him time."

"Do you think he Finna hate me for the rest of our lives?"

I questioned Snoop. Snoop shook his head.

"Hell nah. Yah been best friends before you two were speaking full sentences. Like I said, just give Nip some time. Plus, I know my son. That boy don't have a bone capable in his body to ever hate anybody."

"I really hope you're right, dawg... I really do."

BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND | DAVE EASTWhere stories live. Discover now