You're Trouble -ELVIS

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•Y/n POV•

Tonight is the night that I get to watch Elvis perform!

It is my first time going to see him. I'm incredibly elated that my parents got me tickets. But they only agreed because he has been acting more modest lately. Everyone hates it. Not the parents though.

As I'm waiting in line to get into the arena to watch him, I get shoved by some girl.

"Watch it!" I said angrily.

"Ain't that a bite!" Some girl in the crown behind me said.

If I'm being honest, I felt tears prick my water line, they were dreadfully threatening to fall. I wasn't going to let some random rude girl in a crowd ruin my night.

This is going to be a good night. I will make it.

I finally was allowed to enter the swarm of girls crowing around the stage.

It took a bit of pushing a shoving, but I was finally at the front. I was alone in the crowd, no friends, and no family. It was just me tonight.

Maybe he would notice me...

God I hope he does.


After an hour or so of waiting around, watching some girls dancing on stage, they finally announced the one and only Elvis.

He is wearing a very fitting suit. It looked lovely on him.

I was getting overwhelmed by the screaming girls beside, in front, and behind me. My ears began ringing.

I had to sit down, but I knew I would get stepped on. But I sat down anyways.

And low and behold... my hand got stepped on!

"Hey!" I said to the girl standing almost on me.

She ignored me.

Elvis was now singing, and he was being his old self! Everyone was going insane. The police had a lot of people to keep out!

I hadn't even realized some of my tears had begun to fall. I guess I just couldn't feel the pain over this screaming. I am so overwhelmed I don't know what to do.

I stood up into the show light, hoping to get a look at my hand.

It was quite bloody, I had cut the skin all over my hand. I guess she was wearing heels.

As elvis was leaving down with the plastic dog that was on stage he made eye contact with me. He then looked down at my hand, a look of shock came over him.

He went off stage for a second, soon he came back on.

A security guard of his, came and grabbed me by the arm, taking me behind the stage. This is where all of the cords were, and I saw colonel Tom Parker, Elvis' manager, standing there.

He gave me a look, but I couldn't quite make out what he was thinking.

He looked back to the stage and screamed at the people around.


I was sat down in a chair now. There was a pretty lady wearing a nurses uniform examining my hand.

Suddenly Elvis was pulled off the stage my police, security, and staff. He was thrown to the ground beside me, making me jump.

He was breathing so heavy, and he was sweating puddles around himself.

I decided to stay put in my chair, and let the now scared nurse work on my hand. She wrapped it up in bandage.

Elvis looked at me with his tired eyes.

"Are you okay, darlin'?" He asked me, slowly standing up.

"I think I should be the one asking you that!" I said back to him.

My hand was not fully wrapped and she even gave me a lollipop!

He lightly grabbed my hand, "doesn't it hurt?" He asked me.

"I cant really feel it. All the girls screaming sorta drowned it out." I smiled.

I gave a quick glance around.

"Come with me." He whispered. He quickly grabbed my arms and dragged me quite quickly running into a car. We both sat down in the leathered seats.

"Wh- why did you take me here?" I asked, looking around at the girls swarming the car I was in.

"Because I gotta feeling that you're trouble." He smirked, taking breathes.

I raised an eyebrow, motioning him to continue.

"And I like trouble..." he put his hand on mine, and we drove off.


Me and Elvis have now been together for 3 years, best 3 years of my life.

Also, I have a scar on my hand. He likes kissing it, and telling the story of how we met. While showing our friends my scar.

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