Christmas -AUSTIN

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Thank you so much for 25K reads! This is the best Christmas gift I could've ever gotten. I love you all! Happy holidays/Hanukkah!!❤️

•y/n POV•

Austin and I have been so busy with interviews and press conferences that we have had almost no time to decorate for Christmas!

Christmas is both of our favourite holidays but we knew we had to put it aside for the sake of our careers.

As tomorrow is Christmas Day, we need to find a tree! We have both agreed to get each other a maximum of 10 presents this year, but we need to put it under a tree anyhow.

"Should I go try find a tree?" Austin asks me, taking off his apron. We are both cooking Christmas Eve dinner together.

"It might be hard to find one. But you can go look!" I said cheerfully, keeping the mood light.

"Alrighty, I love you!" He said, pulling on a jacket and boots heading out the door.

"I love you too!" I shouted back, heading the door close.

I stirred the gravy that was sitting in a small pot on the stove top. I'm not the best cook, but simple dinners are easy enough for me. Austin is an amazing cook. I needed his help with the ham.

                      TIME   •    SKIP

I soon hear Austin's car pull into the driveway. I have everything set out on the table to be eaten, I hope he got us a tree.

I sit by the window in the living room, watching the fluffy snowflakes falling from the cloudy sky. It will be dark soon, so I go into the garage to turn on the Christmas lights outside. I flip the switch and walk back into the living room, seeing our front yard glistening with now colourful snow falling to the ground.

"I'm home!" I hear Austin yell at the front door.

I jump up off the couch quickly running to the door to open it for him.

"Did you get a tree?!" I screeched, opening the door.

"This was all I could find, I'm sorry." He says, glumly.

I look at the little baby tree he was holding. It's perfect.

"Are you kidding? I love it. It's way better than a 7 foot tree from Walmart. It's real too! Thank you so much, this makes Christmas all the more better! You're the best." I say to him, grabbing the small tree out of his hands and giving him a big hug.

"Come on! Let's decorate it!" I say to him, bringing the tree into a corner of the living room.

"But dinner is ready?" He says, pointing at the dinner table.

"Oh, it's fine. We have a microwave for this reason!" I exclaim, sitting down on the floor. I open a box of ornaments we kept upstairs, hoping we would find a tree.

Austin puts on some elvis Christmas songs, as I begin to decorate.

Austin is singing alone, when I look at him.

He stops singing. "What?!" He chuckles.

"Oh nothing!" I say, turning back to the tree.

"No, what?" He asks again, spinning me back around to face him.

"You're a dream." I say.

"What does that mean exactly?" He asks me, smiling.

"You're the man that 6 year old me would've dreamt of! I never would've believed I would actually end up with you!" I say, laughing at myself.

I see the sweet and dainty smile he has on his face.

He pulls me close and sings "Blue Christmas" along with the beat. Best Christmas Eve ever.

Elvis Presley • Austin Butler imagines Where stories live. Discover now