Vacay - AUSTIN pt.2

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•y/n POV•

Austin and I have been talking for about 30 minutes. Yes, I finally asked his name.

"I'm so excited to swim! I've seen pictures of the water, it's so blue!" I look off dreamily into space.  I can hear him laugh at me in a kind way.

Lara is knocked out in the seat beside me. I guess getting stressed is tiring. As Austin is about to respond, he is interrupted by the woman sat beside him.

"Can you two please keep it down? I'm trying to sleep." The grumpy lady says, putting her eye mask back on.

I think for a moment. "Give me your number. We can text instead." I hand him my phone and he punches in his number to it.

Soon I hear a ding coming from my phone.

Austin 😉

Did you seriously put a winky face beside your name ??

Austin 😉
Yes!!! Don't u love it

Oh yea I adore it 🙄

Austin 😉
I thought you would.

Austin and I talk for a few hours before I eventually fall asleep in the middle of a sentence.

Once I wake up I look over and see Lara still asleep. I turn to my right and see Austin sitting on his phone still.

Have you been up this whole time?

Austin 😉
You're up! Yea, cant sleep on planes

That's unfortunate, any idea when we are landing?

Austin 😉
Yea, in like half an hour

Cool! I'll wake up Lara

I turn to my left and shake Lara. She jolts out of her slumber, "WHA?!" She puts her hands up in front of her life a ninja.

I burst out laughing.

"Calm down! We are landing soon. I mean i can leave you asleep on the plane and I can go to Greece, whatever!" I say sarcastically.

"Ugh, shut up." She slumps back into her chair.

I look over and I can see Austin smirking at me.

"Hello everyone," a voice comes over the speakers "we are now landing in Greece! Please buckle your seats and prepare to land. Stay seated until instructed to stand. Thank you!" A chirpy woman says.

Lara grabs my hand excitedly.

As the plane hits the ground everyone begins clapping. Lara and I just sit there in awkward silence, looking at eachother. This is such a white people moment, it's comical.

As we see everyone standing up and grabbing their bags, we do the same. I start to stand up into the aisle and my legs are asleep. I was about to fall right on my fall when I feel someone pick me up right before I hit the floor.

I look up to see Austin staring into my eyes.

"Alright lovers, move. I want to go swimming." Lara says, shoving me out of the way. She practically makes me and Austin hug with that shove, the lane is so small.

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