Alley Cats -AUSTIN

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•austin POV•

Tonight is more peaceful than normal. I love going on walks in the late hours of the night, it's calming. Especially when the cold nips at your nose and lips. When your breathe turn into a cloud of white.

As I walk past all the apartment buildings and little shops, I can hear something in an alleyway.

As I turn the corner to check it out, I turn on the flashlight on my phone to get a better look.

I try to make myself look big, to scare off whatever is in here.

"Hello..?" I shout out hesitantly. I hope it's not a swamp monster.

I shine my light throughout the dark alley, until I see a figure. It looks like a human?

As i shine my light on the persons face a small animal come and trips me, causing me to fall on my butt. The cement feels like a bunch of needles stabbing my ass.

"What the hell?" I say out loud, as I hear a person laugh. It sounds like a woman.

I pick up my phone off the ground from where it fell, shining it up in her face. The light reveals an attractive young woman, maybe a few years younger than me.

"What are you doing here so late?" I ask her, standing back up, she's shorter than me. I can tell from even 2 meters away.

"No reason." She says blatantly. Hard to believe.

I see a small black cat walk up to her and rub it's head on her leg, purring.

That's the thing that knocked me over!

"Alley cats? That's what you're here for?" I ask her, putting my free hand in my pocket.

"It's a guilty pleasure. They soothe me. Life's tough, this makes it easier." She explain to me, sitting down allowing the black cat onto her lap.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't sit in a dirty, and dark alley at night. There are creeps lurking." I say to her.

She's looks at me. "You could be a creep lurking for all I know." She smiles at me for a moment before she looks back at the cat.

"Oh you're funny, I'm Austin by the way." I say, going to pet the cat but it hisses at me.

"I know."

"How?" I ask her, sitting in front of her.

"You're on posters all over social media, Elvis." She says in a cocky way.

I guess she's right.

"Im Austin, just Austin. Not Elvis." I say more stern than before.

Don't get me wrong, I love being compared to the most amazing person in rock and roll history. But sometimes I just wish I could be myself again, not Elvis.

"Alright, Austin. What are you doing here anyway?" She asks me.

"Well I heard a noise, and before I knew it I was being swept off my feet by that little thing." I smile pointing at the small cat in her lap.

She laughs at me again.

"He's very protective of me!" She informs me, mid laugh.

I admired her laugh for a few seconds before standing up again.

"I best be going. Can I give you my number?" I volunteer, wishfully.

"Hmmm. Ask the cat." She gestures to him.

"Can i give her my number?" I ask the cat, quietly.

The cat gets up off her lap.

•y/n POV•

Bernard stands up off my lap as Austin finishes his sentence. Hmm, weird.

Before I can say anything, he's at Austin feet purring!

"I think that might be a yes?" He assumes "can I put my number in your phone now?" He proceeds.

I grab my phone out of my pocket, unlock it, and open the phone app. He punches in his number quickly.

"I'll talk to you later, y/n." He laughs, walking off into the street lights leaving me in the dark again.

How did he know my name?

I look down at my phone to see a text from Austin already.

'Nice name tag."

I glance down in my lap when see a slight shine on my shirt.

Oh! I'm wearing my name tag from work!

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