Homecoming -ELVIS

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•y/n POV•

Next week is senior homecoming. I've been waiting and waiting for a nice fella to ask me, but no luck.

As I was daydreaming I got dragged out of my thoughts by a voice.

"What's so interesting in there?" My best friend, Elvis asked me as he pointed inside my locker.

"Oh nothing, just thinking. Sorry. Are we late for English?" I asked him, slamming my locker door shut.

"Not quite yet, the bell just rang. We should probably get going though." He said to me, beginning to walk down the hall.

As we walked I saw a girl and a boy standing next to eachother.

"Yes! Oh my goodness yes!" The girl screeched, jumping into the boys arms.

I scoffed while we passed them.

Elvis quickly shot me a look. "Still not been asked I see?" He assumed.

"No. And I don't get it! I'm perfectly likeable. I'm nice, intelligent, humorous? What's not to like?!" I shouted though the hallway.

"Calm down, doll. Someone will ask you, I know it." He reassured me, putting his arm on my shoulder as we walked.

"Well how do you know, Elvis?"

"Just trust me, someone will ask you."


After english, school was over. As we walked down the hall, posters about the homecoming covered the walls. It made me sick.

All the glitter was getting into these girls brains, causing them to date such dopes.

Then occurred to me.

"Elvis? Why haven't you asked anyone yet? Any girl would say yes to you!" I asked Elvis as we walked out the front doors of the school.

"I got my eye on someone, I just gotta wait." He said plainly.

I groaned as the sun hit my face while we walked to his car.

His car was pretty old, it was his father old car.

"I'm exhausted. All these people getting asked to homecoming makes me tired." I explained to him as we drove off.

He quickly rolled his eyes at my comment.


Me and Elvis were lying on my bed after school, listening to my favourite records.

Elvis has a huge influence on my taste in music, ever since we were little.

"Kids! Dinner!" I heard Elvis' mother Gladys yell up the stairs.

Me and Elvis slowly made our way down, the sweet smell of Gladys' homemade cooking recipes wafting into our noses.

"This smells amazing Gladys!" I told her, sitting down at the dining table.

"Oh thank you y/n! This is actually your mothers recipe! She left it to me, after she passed." Everyone in the room quieted down at those words.

"Well erm... that was kind of her wasn't it?" I said with an awkward laugh, I felt Elvis put his hand on mine underneath the table cloth.

"It was. Have you been asked to the dance yet, honey?" She asked me, setting down a big roast chicken on the table. I quickly saw Vernon grab his fork.

"Uh no." I said, putting my head down.

"Well I'm sure you will be asked! Anyday now." As she said that I lifted my head, I saw her give Elvis a quick wink. What was that about?

Elvis tightened his grip on my hand, grabbing a fork with the other.

"I'm so hungry, thanks for the dinner ma'." He said, taking a chunk of chicken and putting it on his plate.

"Agreed. Thank you." I said, as Elvis put some chicken on my plate as well.


Now that it is Saturday I can finally relax. Me and Elvis have a plan to go to the local record shop.

We do this every weekend but today just felt different. Elvis said he had to go do something in town so he couldn't take me.

I went to go ask his father Vernon, and he told me he was going to the record shop! Was he taking another girl? I hope not, this is our thing.

"Daddy I'm off to see Elvis! I'll be back by sundown!" I shouted, opening the front door.

"Have fun! Don't forget to say yes!" He shouted back.

Say yes? What about? Whatever, I'll just go.

I drove my fathers car down to the record shop. I saw Elvis' car parked outside the front.

It felt like there is smoke shooting out of my ears! How could he do this to me? I thought only we do this.

I stomped into the front door, ready to burst at Elvis.

"Doll, that you?" I heard a voice call from the back of the shop.

"Doll? I don't know is it? How many girl do you cal- wha... what's this?" I asked as soon as I saw what Elvis was standing beside.

He made his own record covers so they would spell out 'HOMECOMING?'.

"Oh my goodness, is this for me?" I asked, walking closer to observe the record covers.

"Sure is! Do you like it?" He asked me, putting his arm around my waist as I looked at the records.

"I love it!" I exclaimed, hugging him as tight as I could.

"Is that a yes?" He questioned, looking directly into my eyes.

"Of course." I said, kissing his cheek lightly.

"Y'know we look like the kids we saw in the hallway yesterday, right?" He said.

I quickly jumped out of his arms, trying to deny the fact that we did.

We quickly both burst out laughing, I have a date!

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