Interviewer -AUSTIN

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•Y/n POV•

I walked into my work office building. I work for a magazine company, I'm in charge of the social media department.

Therefore, I interview our guests, then the footage gets posted on our YouTube channel.

My co-worker, and friend, walked up to me.

"Ready to interview the one and only Austin Butler?" She asked me.

"Mhm! I'm a little nervous, but I think I know what I'm going to say, and ask!" I said, walking into my office, grabbing my notebook.

She left me so I can walk down to the interview room.

As I walked through the door, I saw a blonde boy sitting in the chair.

"I'm so sorry I am late! There was traffic on my way here." I said to him, sitting down in the chair set in front of him.

"It's alright! Glad you made it." He said, smiling at me.

I felt a light blush spread across my face. I tried to hide it as best I could, covering my face with my notebook.

"Alright we should probably begin! Let's start off with a simple question. What did it feel like to really become Elvis?" I asked him, putting my notebook down.

We answered plenty of questions but once we were done filming, we had a casual conversation.

"Look... I cant help but tell you how pretty you are! I'm not trying to be a creep, but you are." He said with an awkward laugh.

I took a tiny step back, I definitely did not expect to be called pretty today. By Austin.

"Oh erm- thank you! You're very attractive as well." I said politely.

"I uh, I would really like to take you out sometime?" Asked me, looking down.

I did want to go out with him. But what would I be getting myself into? There are millions of women and girls who are already in love with him! Paparazzi follows him every step he takes.

I didn't know what to say, but I figured I would take a chance!

"I'm free for the rest of the day if you are?" I asked him, grinning.

"Well, you are my last interview of the day. So why not?! Lunch?"

"I'd love to."


After I put my notebook back in my office, I met Austin outside in the parking lot.

"I've been waiting!" He said, opening the passenger side of his car.

"Sorry sorry! I had to put some stuff away!"

"I'm just pulling your leg, y/n." He said with a chuckle, sitting down in the drivers seat. He turned on the ignition.

Although I only knew what the world knew about him, watching his big hands slide against the black leather on the wheel made me feel some type of way. I didn't know what way exactly, but whatever it was I was feeling it.

We sat in silence, Elvis Presley playing quietly on the speakers.

He went to rest his hand on the gear shift, but it coincidentally landed on mine. I jumped a little bit.

If I'm being honest, I might've let out a bit of a squeak because I heard Austin give me a light laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He said to me, moving his hand.

"No it's alright, your hands are nice and warm. I've always found that my hands are cold, no matter how much I try to warm them up." I explained to him, i quickly noticed once I finished talking that he had put his hand back on mine.

I look out the window and I see that we are pulling up to a small café, not a far drive from my work.

"This place is so cute!" I exclaimed, jumping up out of my seat quickly.

"I'm glad you think so, I'm come here quite often. They have amazing hot chocolate, and I'm a sucker for hot chocolate!" He said, getting out of the car, after me.

I agreed with him. Hot chocolate is the best.

"Ready to head in?" He asked me?

I nodded, secretly grabbing his hand as we walk. Our hands were brushing against each others, so I figured I would just be bold and do it.


As we entered the café, we got sat down by a waiter, she was lovely.

We both ordered hot chocolate with EXTRA whipped cream on top.

We made casual conversation, as i ask him more in depth questions about the new Elvis movie.

"Here's your drinks!" The waiter said as she set down 2 hot chocolates.

"These look amazing, thank you!" Austin said to the woman.

I went to drink the hot chocolate and when I set down the mug, Austin began to laugh at me.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

He just continued to chuckle and giggle at me.

"You have a little whipped cream on your nose, darling!" He said, taking his finger up to my nose and gently rubbing the whipped cream off.

Soon enough we both broke out into a fit of laughter, his laugh is so soft but also it could make you laugh in one second.

I'm glad I didn't call in sick to work today, let's just say that.

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