Drank and Drunk -AUSTIN

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This is a request from @lovingelvisp ! Thank you for so far being my most loyal reader. Love you all to bits <3

•Austin POV•

I felt thudding throughout my body. I could feel the beat of the music in the club vibrating my insides.

I felt a sudden need for my girlfriend y/n's gentle touch. She is so sweet to me...

It feels like my ever thought just mashes into the next thought, I set down my alcoholic drink down on the nearest table.

I made my way throughout the crowd of humans jumping up and down in unison to the unsteady beat of the song.

I could slightly make out the blurry sight of a bright neon "EXIT" sign. I shuffled towards it, dodging people as I go.

I finally made it into the fresh air as I stepped outside, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I quickly opened the messages app. I tapped my girlfriends contact. Her name on my phone is "Little One." We like to have slight connections to Elvis and Priscillas relationship.

I pressed on the 'Call' button, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Austin?" I heard y/n say through a worried voice.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away with the drinks. Can you please come get me love?" I said, slightly slurring my words.

"Of course. Be there in 10." She said, I could hear her keys jingle in the background.

While I was waiting for her to show up, I began to feel sick.

I'm not sure if it was the difference in the environment, or the drinks. Probably the drinks. I think the heavy beat of every song in that club was finally having its toll on my body.

I decided to sit down on the curb of the sidewalk, and wait until her to pull up in front.


•Y/n POV•

I tried to hurry to the club Austin was at. I knew that if I let the alcohol hit him too much too quickly, bad things would happen.

Austin has a bad history of erm... not being able to handle his alcohol very well. Let's just put it that way, nice and simple.

I slowed down, pulling up to the curb in front of the club. I saw a man sitting on the curb, very hunched over.

I could tell by the way his hair looked, it was Austin. I reached over the passenger seat and pushed the door open for him.

He slowly looked up at me, with his iceberg eyes. It was almost like they glowed in the moonlight.

"Well, aren't you going to get in?" I said to him, patting the passenger seat gently.

He groaned slightly while standing up, but he hurried into the seat. I cant even tell you how much he smelt like a bar.

I handed him an extra water bottle I had in my car. I assumed he would need it, to prepare for tomorrow.

"How was your night?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

He sighed, "it was alright. Too busy for my liking." He looked out the window, opening the water bottle.

"I hope you at least had a little bit of fun." I said to him, quickly glancing in his direction.

"I tried." He said blandly, holding his hand to his stomach.

"You alright, love?" I asked him calmly.

"Yeah, you know how I am with alcohol. Probably won't be sleeping tonight." He said gazing at the night sky through the small window.

"Well, I'll just stay up with you then. It's my job as your loving girlfriend!" I explained to him, lightly rubbing his back with one hand, other hand on the wheel.

"I won't make you, but if you'd like that." He gave me a weak smile, the alcohol setting in it seemed.


We eventually pulled into the driveway. Me and Austin ended up holding hands most of the way. I pulled my hand out of his grip, turning the key and taking it out of the ignition.

Austin slowly got up out of the car, walking towards the front door of our home. I grabbed my home key from my pocket, unlocking the front door.

It seemed as thought Austin was in a panicked state, hurrying me to get into the house.

I was taking off my shoes as I heard the door slam shut, after I saw Austin run past me and into the downstairs bathroom. Poor Austin.

I finished hanging up my coat, then went and stood outside the bathroom door.

I heard Austin's... content from his stomach pouring into the toilet. I felt horrible. He should know better than to drink that much, he knows his body cannot handle it.

I lightly knocked on the bathroom door, signalling I was going to come in. Giving him a second to collect himself.

"Love? Are you alright? You need to get into bed." I quietly said to him, i said sitting next to him leaning my head on his shoulder lightly.

"I guess. I just needed to deal with my anxiety with the new movie. I want him to be proud of me." Austin said, hanging his head low. I knew he was talking about making Elvis proud. But I just sat in silence for a bit. Giving him time to think.

"Austin, everyone all over the globe is so proud of you. Even your mum. She's looking down, smiling. She's probably talking about you to Elvis right now, honey. You really shouldn't worry about other peoples opinions on you. Be like Elvis. Be yourself." I said, rubbing his bicep, trying to comfort him to the best of my ability.

I heard him give me a gentle sigh in response.

"Should we get you to bed now? I think it's best." I said standing up, holding a hand out for him to grab.

He put his hand in mine and I helped boost him up. He hugged me lightly, i of course, hugged back. Austin gives the best hugs. They're like a thousand puppies licking you, and cuddling you. It's amazing.

We both made our way upstairs, to our bedroom. Once we made it, I gently sat him down on the bed.

I went into our closet and grabbed him some comfy pyjamas to change into. He was wearing a suit right now. Although it was a casual suit, he wouldn't be sleeping in that. I will actually force him to change if I have to.

"Change into these okay? You'll be much more comfortable. I'm going to go grab you some medicine for yourself, and some more water." I said, walking out the bedroom door, heading downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed to Advil, and a bottle of ice water. I also grabbed him an extra pillow from the guest room, I figured it might help him get comfortable.

"Here you go, love." I said to him, handing the pillow to him. While setting his water and Advil on the bed side table.

"Thank you, you're the best." He said with weak eyes.

"It's what I'm here for." I said kindly, getting into the covers as well. I picked him up in my pyjamas so I didn't have to change.

I snuggled up to him quietly, he was starting to smell like himself again. I love it.

I noticed his breathe was becoming a little bit uneven. I reached my hand up to his head, gently twisting and playing with his blond locks of hair.

His breathe slowly became more even and normal, as I was comforting him. Soon enough, he fell dead asleep.

And once he was out? He was out like a log.

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