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Author's Note: Errybody OOC, IDGAF

Chapter 1

Niklaus' eyes were wide open, staring back at him. Marcel was sure Niklaus could see him but he knew because of the pain he was suffering from the blade in his chest he wasn't focused on much else.

The night he defeated the Mikaelsons seemed a lifetime ago though only a few years had passed. Since that night, he has been filled with regret. He was so angry at the Mikaelsons for killing Davina. Killing them made the most sense at the time but each day he visited Klaus trapped in his vampire graveyard, he felt as if he'd betrayed his family. He tried to convince himself that the Mikaelsons were never truly his family but memories of his time as a child growing up under their caring tutelage plagued him continuously.

Every day he considered taking the blade out but the more time that past the angrier he was sure Niklaus would be. He thought about Hope growing up without her father. He knew that one day the blade would be taken out of Klaus, whether by his hands or someone else's, and when Klaus woke to find Hope, perhaps 80 years old, her entire life past him by, he would never forgive him.


Hayley spent years searching for cures for the Mikaelson family and when she did she snuck back into New Orleans and to the Mikaelson Compound in search of Niklaus. She went undetected, Klaus' security becoming lax after so many years of waiting. She freed him and pulled Papa Tunde's blade from his chest, waking the other Mikaelsons in the process. Once Klaus was awake, the two escaped New Orleans together and rendezvoused back with his siblings at Haylee's home in Florida.

Niklaus had never been happier than when he saw his daughter, 13 years old and the spitting image of her Aunt Rebekah at her age. All he wanted to do was protect her the same way he'd protected Rebekah all those years. Better. He wanted to make sure that no harm should ever befall her.

But he still had a debt in New Orleans and he aimed to collect it.

The Mikaelson siblings spent months living with Haylee, staying low and keeping it a secret that the Original family was back. Klaus was sure that Marcel had figured out he was gone by then so he didn't want to have any rumors spread about vampires in the town to avoid Marcel finding them sooner than he needed him to.

"Are you all out of your mind?" Hayley yelled at the Mikaelsons crowding her living room. She'd just come from checking on Hope, fast asleep in bed, when she overheard Kol letting it slip that the Mikaelsons were planning to seek revenge on Marcel.

Freya had been working nonstop since she woke to find a spell to defeat Marcel as per Niklaus's adamant request.

"I worked myself to the bone saving you people and the second you're out of harm's way you decide to run back to New Orleans to die."

"No one's going to die." Klaus barked. "I am grateful for everything you've done for this family, Hayley, truly I am, but Marcellus will not get away with this. I gave him everything! I made him the man he is today! And this is how he repays me? By trying to kill my brothers, locking me away from my daughter and forcing her out of the city that is so rightfully hers."

"Marcel's bite is still venomous to you. You would risk your life for vengeance?"

Niklaus reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small vial with a red liquid inside.

"The cure. Freya synthesized the cure you got from that old witch using our blood. We have enough vials to go to war for years."

"Years? What about your daughter? She's been without her father for 12 years and now you're going to make her go without you for longer?"

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