It Starts

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Warning: Spanking of a Minor

Chapter 18


"Marcellus, what do you think you're doing?"

Marcel, sitting comfortably atop his black and white pinto, jumped at the sound of his uncle's booming voice coming from the stable door.

Elijah was furious. It was only a short hour ago that he had the argument with Marcel on whether the boy could ride his horse before he finished his studies. Elijah thought he'd won but obviously Marcel had a different understanding of the conversation.

"I-I was just going to go for a short ride," Marcel muttered.

Elijah's anger grew as the boy tried to defend his actions. "Get down from that horse this instant."

Marcel climbed down despondently.

"Now go finish your studies." As Marcel stomped away, Elijah considered tagging him with a few swift smacks to the bottom but decided against it. In the year since Marcel moved in Elijah had refrained from punishing the boy in the same manner he did his siblings but it was times like this that he felt like making an exception. "And consider your riding privileges revoked until Klaus and Rebekah return from Tennessee."

"But they won't be back for four more days," Marcel said pausing at the stable door.

"Yes, too bad for you,"

Marcel sulked around the house for two days. Elijah never wanted to do anything with him so without Niklaus and Rebekah all Marcel could do was study which normally he enjoyed doing but after forty-eight hours with no fun, studying became a chore.

Then one night after Elijah went to bed, Marcel snuck out of the compound and out to the stables.

"Just a short ride," Marcel said to himself as he guided his horse from her spot in the stable. "We'll go around the property line once and Uncle Elijah will never know."

"I think I just might."

Marcel stood guilty before Elijah. With the reins in his hands and his pinto saddled up, he was definitely caught red-handed.

"Remind me, Marcellus, but I thought I told you no riding until your father returned yet here you are, sneaking around a quarter 'til midnight when you were supposed to be in bed hours ago."

"But I just wanted to ride her a little bit," Marcel grumbled. "It's not fair that I can't ride her for four days. Poppa said I can ride whenever I want as long as I stay on the property."

"Well Klaus isn't here right now and I say you can't. Now get back to bed and don't let me catch you out here again until I speak with your father about your blatant disobedience this week."

With a big huff, Marcel folded his arms tightly over his narrow chest and barked, "Poppa said I can get what I want and I wanna ride!"

Elijah was floored by the boy's response. Marcel was certainly not the timid, frightened boy he came as a year ago. Somehow during Klaus's endless surplus of unconditional love, Marcel became spoiled which was a trait Elijah was not used to. Even his sister, who Elijah thought was the most cossetted a Mikaelson could ever be, wasn't as spoiled as Marcel had become.

"I don't know about what you want," Elijah said grabbing Marcel by the arm and dragging him out the stable. "But I know what you need."

Marcel marched frightfully behind Elijah as he dragged him through the compound to Marcel's bedroom. Elijah brought him over to the desk chair and sat down with Marcel over his lap. Marcel was still wearing his nightshirt but he'd put on a pair of pants to go riding in but Elijah made quick work of removing those as he laid the stunned child on his lap but left his nightshirt covering his bottom. It did little to protect Marcel from his uncle's stinging smacks anyway.

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