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Chapter 5

Marcel knelt on the roof of an old hotel, staring down at the Mikaelson Compound. Hope laid still unconscious on the roof beside him. He tried everything he knew to wake her but nothing worked. It had been hours since she passed out and she showed no sign of recovery. He was beginning to fear for her health so he decided to go to the next most powerful witch he knew – Freya Mikaelson.

He moved from roof to roof, peeking through the windows of the Compound, hoping to spot Freya alone in the mansion. He constantly came up short but his roof hopping did not go unnoticed.

"Marcel!" Kol sang tauntingly.

Marcel flinched at the cutting tone of the familiar voice. He spun around cautiously to see Kol walking across the roof towards him.

Kol's eyes held an impish glint. He'd been patiently hoping for Marcel's return so he could seek his revenge for being bitten all those years ago and he felt lucky to be the first Mikaelson to get to him before his brothers. But as his eyes fell to the young girl lying next to Marcel's feet, his face hardened. His feet froze as he listened for her heartbeat and found it soft and faint.

"What did you do to her?"

"Nothing. She did this to herself."

Kol refused to listen. He had already drawn conclusions of his own. The Mikaelsons killed Davina and so he concluded, to get back at them, Marcel was going to kill Hope.

Kol's nails dug deeply into the palm of his clenched fist. "You bastard!" he screamed as he lunged at Marcel, tackling the man over the edge of the roof. The two hit the pavement below with a great thud. They had both broken bones but Kol's rage fueled him on. He picked Marcel up by the collar of his shirt and punched him hard enough to send his body flying across the street.

Marcel quickly jumped to his feet but in the same moment Kol came charging him again. He tackled the younger vampire through the doors of the Mikaelson Compound.

"Wait, wait!" Marcel stood fretfully in the middle of the courtyard, praying that neither Niklaus nor Elijah wouldn't show up. "It's not what it looked like. I was trying to help her. She's in bad shape."

"Oh yeah, mate, and who's fault is that?"

"That's what I was trying to tell you. She did it herself."

"I just bet she did."

Kol sped over to Marcel and hit him with an uppercut that sent him flying through the balcony into Elijah's rigid arms. Niklaus appearing next by his side.

Elijah wrapped his arms around Marcel, preventing the man from fleeing.

"What is the meaning of this?" Niklaus seethed through clenched teeth while staring Marcel down.

Kol jumped up to the balcony and growled, "It's Hope. He's done something to her."

Klaus's emotions began to raise uncontrollably, the strongest of which being fear.

Elijah swiftly snapped Marcel's neck rendering the man unconscious before turning to Klaus and saying, "Go see to your daughter. I'll handle Marcel."


When Marcel came through he was again in shackles. This time restrained to a staircase looking on as Freya performed a spell over Hope's still comatose body with Hayley holding the girl's head in her lap. His vision of them was soon blocked by Niklaus's surly mug.

"Tell me what you did to her and I'll make sure your death is swift and nearly painless."

"I never touched her." Marcel bit. Then he proceeded to tell them everything, omitting the part where he was the stranger in the hotel room Hope snuck off to see.

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