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Chapter 9


In the days leading to Marcel's 16th birthday, Klaus promised to give him anything he wanted. The only problem was Marcel wanted for nothing. Klaus had always gotten him everything, against Elijah's advice of course, but even when showered with gifts Marcel remained humble and modest which made his father proud and only want to give him more things.

Marcel spent days thinking of the perfect gift until one night he stumbled across a dusty old coffin. Inside rested Kol Mikaelson. Marcel recognized his face. He was a child the last time they met but he remembered the fear Kol brought him.

Staring down at the man's face now he couldn't see why he was ever afraid of him. The man looked more mischievous than menacing.

"Marcellus," Niklaus called in search of the boy. Marcel called back, drawing his father to the coffins. "What in heavens are you doing down here?"

"I was trying to think of an idea for my birthday present, poppa, and then I saw him.."

Niklaus stood beside Marcel and stared down at the face of his sleeping brother. He thought about the last time he woke Kol – the massacre he forced Marcel to watch and the blood he fed the boy. For a moment, the sight of his own brother disgusted him and he closed the coffin.

"Well, did you think of anything?" Klaus asked attempting to divert his own thoughts from the heinous memories. "What about a new horse? Or perhaps one of those velocipedes. I'll probably have to do some searching but I'm sure I'll be able to find one for your big day."

Marcel smiled at how animated Klaus was becoming at the thought of getting him a gift.

"Poppa, there's really nothing I want this year. You've given me so much already."

"You say that like it's a burden. You're my son. I'll give you anything."

"Well," Marcel stared down at the floor, nervous about voicing his request. " could wake your brother, Kol, again."

Niklaus's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Marcel, not an influence I want around you. Do you remember the last time he was awake?"

"Yes, but I'm much older now. Much more mature. And it gets boring here sometimes when you're away. I need a friend."

"That's what I fear most. Kol is not a good friend for a human. He's much too violent. You could get hurt."

"Then make me like you."

Klaus went silent. That was one request he wouldn't fulfill.

"I'm basically a man now. Boys my age go to war so if I am old enough to choose to go to war, I can decide to become like you."

Klaus couldn't help but smile. "Marcellus, you could live for as long as I have and still not be old enough to go to war."

"Please, poppa. I want to be great and powerful like you."

"You will be great and powerful, Marcel." Klaus put a finger up to his temple and said, "In here. Now go upstairs and prepare for bed."

Marcel slowly teetered away leaving Klaus alone with the coffins.

Niklaus wasn't going to turn Marcel, that much he was sure, but he wanted the boy to have a happy birthday so with heavy reluctance he opened, Kol's coffin and removed the dagger in his chest. He waited silently for his brother to wake up and when he did he welcomed him back with open arms.

"How long did you have me daggered for this time?" Kol grumbled.

"Just a few years. Marcel's turning 16 and as a gift, he requested you be undaggered."

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