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Warning: Spanking of a Minor

Chapter 3

Once he got his baring, Marcel went back to the sanctuary.

"Uh-uh, nope, get out." Vincent greeted Marcel at the doors of the church. He'd been waiting for his return all night. "You're not welcomed here anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh no, don't play coy with me. There's talk going on all through the streets about how you and your men attacked Klaus's kid. I told you not to bring trouble 'round here."

"That was just a big misunderstanding. Me and Klaus talked that out, everything's okay."

"Nothing's ever okay when it comes to you and the Mikaelsons. Get out of here, Marcel."

Vincent flicked a finger and the church doors slammed in Marcel's face.


While he wasn't busy running the supernatural world of New Orleans, Klaus was spending all of his free time with his family, especially his daughter.

"Where's your mother?" Klaus asked as he entered the den where Hope was lying on the sofa texting away while the TV played noisily in the background.

"Uh...I think she went out with Uncle Elijah."

Klaus's face puckered. He wasn't happy that his brother was in love with the mother of his child but he couldn't say anything about it. After losing Cami he decided to never stand in the way of true love again, even if it wasn't his.

"Then how about you and I do something together."

"Can't, dad. Sebastian is on his way over."


In every father there's a gene that shuts down all reason whenever their daughters mention a boy's name, that gene had not skipped Klaus by.

"And who is Sebastian?" He said with a façade of calmness.

"You know Sebastian, daddy. He's a witch. His mom is the new Regent. We're studying spells together. I was'd let us borrow Grandma Esther's grimoire."

"I believe my mother's grimoire is a bit too advanced for witches as young as yourself."

"But Uncle Kol says I'm one of the most powerful witches he's ever met."

"Well that's because you are. You're a very powerful witch for your age but you're still not quite ready for Esther's grimoire."

"You let Davina study it when she wasn't much older than me."

Klaus's face hardened. "Who told you about Davina?"

"Uncle Kol. He said that studying that grimoire made Davina an even more powerful witch than she was already destined to be."

With a sigh, Klaus sat down beside Hope. He took her hand in his and said, "Davina Claire was a very special young witch placed into a time of war which forced her to learn advanced skills at an early age. We are at peace. There's no reason for you to burden yourself with the stress of learning such ancient magic so soon."

Hope remained unsatisfied by her father's answer. Like any witch, she longed for greater knowledge and the greatest knowledge she could have was in Esther's grimoire.

"How about," said Klaus as he sprang to his feet. "I make you and me a Hot Fudge sundae and we can eat it out on the terrace while you tell me about all about your day yesterday and more about this Sebastian chap."

Hope nodded with a wide smirk. Haylee was often strict with her but in the weeks that her father's been awake, Klaus has spoiled her with anything she wanted.

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