The Incident

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Chapter 14

"I don't understand why I'm being grounded!" Hope yelled indirectly at Hayley and Elijah sitting at the dining table withher. The long night before called for a late brunch the next day. Hayley, Elijah, and Hope were the only people at the table so far so Hayley thought it would be the best time to break the news to her daughter.

"You know exactly why," Hayley barked back. She wanted to ground the girl the night before but Klaus insisted she and Elijah sleep on the matter hoping that the mother of his child and his brother would wake up and feel like he did: Grateful for the girl's safe return.

"I saved a man's life," Hope defended. "Did you just want me to let him die?"

"Hope, you are a child," Elijah interrupted from his spot behind Hayley. "If you find someone who needs help, you get an adult, not skulk around the docks in the middle of the night."

"I was with an adult."

"You know what he means," Hayley spat.

A year ago she wouldn't have gotten so irritated with her daughter but the past few months she's spent with Klaus gave Hope the belief that she was impervious to punishment. All she had to do was get Klaus on her side and she could get away with anything. Hayley was determined to make sure that didn't happen this time.

"And the matter is not up for argument. You are grounded for three days. No phone, no internet, no friends."

"That's not fair!"

"I quite agree," a voice coming from behind drew their attention to Rebekah. "I think she's better off with her friends. I must admit, I dropped the ball babysitting last night but if it weren't for that Sebastian chap tipping me to Hope's location I would've been too late and who knows what could've happened."

Hope was grateful that her Aunt Rebekah showed up just in time to stop her from having to seriously hurt anyone but she couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed by her best friend whom she texted that night saying: Going to the docks to save a vampire. DO NOT TELL MY AUNT! BRB.

"All that proves, dear sister," Niklaus said silently sneaking up behind Rebekah. "Is your own incompetence. If I may throw my hat into the ring,"

"Certainly, Klaus," Hayley sat back and waited for Klaus's response which she was sure was going to be him in some way defending Hope's mistakes from last night. She had already made up her mind to ignore whatever he said.

"Hope, I agree with your mother," he said to everyone's surprise, especially Hope's. "What you did last night was very dangerous. The rules we set are for your own protection. We are the most powerful family in New Orleans and with that comes enemies; enemies who would try to hurt you to get what we have."

"I know, daddy," Hope stared up at her father with big, round sad eyes. "But...I was just doing what I thought you would do if your brother needed help."

Hayley and Elijah knew Hope had Niklaus exactly where she wanted him then.

Turning to them, Niklaus said, "Perhaps we are being a bit harsh. She's fine, after all and no one got seriously injured."

Amazed by the man's problematic sentimentality, Hayley stated, "She's grounded, Hope, end of discussion."

"But Mom," Hope whined.

"Hayley, let's be reasonable,"

Hayley pushed her chair back from the table and said, "I'm done talking about this, Klaus. Three days, Hope."

As Hayley left, Niklaus took a seat at the table beside his brother.

"Don't worry," he said noting the doleful look on his daughter's face. "Three days will go by before you know it. You can spend more time practicing magic with that little friend of yours."

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