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Chapter 21

Freya decided to keep her knowledge of Kol running away to herself. She figured if Kol's fears were real then their siblings might well give up on him once they found out he ran off on them. She spent a thousand years promising to keep her family together should she ever have one and now she did and she wasn't going to let Marcel tear them apart again.

"So just got off the phone with my parents." Sebastian groaned as he flopped down on the sofa in the den with Marcel and Hope. "They're on their plane. Your mom told them about the party last night. Between that and us using those rare ingredients, I'm basically grounded forever."

"But they're still going to let you come over here, right?" Hope asked afraid of being without her friend.

"I doubt it. Mom really laid into me on the phone. Dad would've too but he was afraid his voice would carry over the plane and all the passengers would hear that he's going to kill me."

"Now what am I supposed to do," Hope sank back in her cushion. "I'm still grounded for another week and now I won't have you or Marcel."

"I'll still be here," Marcel declared.

"Yeah, but as adult you. Nobody liked adult you."

Marcel sat back, those words lingering in his mind like a haunting refrain.

"Then I don't wanna grow up." He muttered.

"What?" Hope asked.

Marcel repeated louder, "I don't wanna grow up. Hope, you have to help me."

"I...I can't. You heard Aunt Freya. That spell we concocted wouldn't help anyone."

"There has to be some witch around here that could do it."

Hope thought about the witch they'd met the night before. "Vincent. Mom says he's one of the most powerful witches in New Orleans. I'm sure he could do something."

Marcel jumped to his feet. "Then let's go. What are we waiting for."

"Hello," Hope stood up. "Still grounded, remember. We can't leave here without getting in trouble. You'll have to go alone."

Marcel's eyes turned somber remembering his father's warning about him being too far away from Freya. "I can't go alone. If my seal breaks while I'm by myself I could die." Marcel slumped back on the couch devastated.

"Wait," Hope paced the floor thinking. "I have an idea. The problem is that you can't be alone too long, right? Well then, here's what we do. I'll compel a guard to contact Vincent tonight and ask him to do the spell for us tomorrow. When we go to drop of Sebastian, I'll ask mom to stop at the bakery across the street from Vincent's Sanctuary. Then you could run off and get the spell done. We'll be with you the whole time."

"He's not just going to do the spell for us." Sebastian pointed out. "He's gonna want something in return."

"Well, what do we have to trade? I could go get some of my Uncle Kol's dark objects. He doesn't use them anyway."

"He's a witch," Sebastian scoffed. "He has dark objects. We need to trade him something he doesn't have already."

The three teens try to think of what they had of value in the Compound that no one would miss if it were gone.

Suddenly Sebastian jumped up with an idea. "What is the rarest and most valuable commodity in the Quarter these days?" He asked. He waited for a second for the other two to shrug their answers and blurted, "A cure for wolf bites, i.e., your blood. We offer to trade Vincent a vial of your blood for him doing a spell to keep Marcel a kid."

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