Familial Bonds

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Warning: Spanking of a Minor.

Chapter 22


New Orleans, 1914

Marcel stood in the mirror admiring himself looking dashing in his tux. The Mikaelsons were going to the Opera and he was hoping to sneak away to be with Rebekah.

He saw Klaus through the mirror standing in the doorway and his smile vanished.

"Looking dapper." Klaus complimented but Marcel's face remained stoic.

"What do you want, Klaus?"

Klaus strolled into the room and sat on the bed. "Klaus." He repeated the same as Marcel. "You are as charming and elegant as any Mikaelson, Marcellus, so tell me why my name moves so abrasively in your mouth, my son."

Marcel ignored the question and continued to fix his tie in the mirror.

"Are you upset about something?" Klaus asked.

"Why would I be upset? I'm Klaus Mikaelson's son. The most protected man in all the Quarter. I can't even get into petty familial squabbles without my father running to my side."

"Is this about your fight with Kol?" Klaus jumped to his feet. "Did he hurt you? Tell me what he did and I'll-"

Marcel spun around to his father and barked, "No, Klaus, you're the problem! I'm almost a hundred years old and you still run behind my every move like my overprotective father but I'm a man now. I'm a vampire. I can take care of myself. I haven't needed a protector for years now, Klaus."

Klaus stood dumbfounded. "I was just..." he stammered, surprised by Marcel's response. "Kol is much stronger than you. You can't expect me to just stand by when you're in danger."

"I can handle Kol. I can handle anyone but you won't give me a chance. Everyone just thinks of me as Klaus's son. I can't tell if I earn the respect I get or if people are just afraid of pissing you off."

Klaus sighed. "I guess you have a point. You aren't my...little boy anymore. I should stop treating you like it."

Marcel was shocked and delighted at how easy Klaus was to convince.

"Of course," Klaus started. "That doesn't mean you can't still be part of the family. You're still a Mikaelson even if you continue to refuse to take my name. Always and forever."

Marcel smirked. He went by Marcel Gerard because he hoped, even though most of the Supernatural populace of New Orleans knew him as the son of Klaus Mikaelson, having a different surname will distinguish his deeds away from that of the Mikaelsons earning him the respect of being his own man. Klaus, however, never stopped treating him like a Mikaelson and Marcel was sure Klaus never would.

His smile faded remembering what he planned with Kol. He ran out of his room to Kol's but the man was gone when he got there. Sensing Marcel's distress Klaus followed him.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked.

Marcel turned to Klaus and muttered fretfully, "Klaus, I'm sorry. I did something...terrible."

Truly concerned, Klaus cradled Marcel's face and replied, "Tell me what happened."


Kol came out of the Dowager Fauline Cottage with a proud smirk. Right now the two witches he was working with to create a dagger that could take down Klaus were working inside to create a dagger that could take down Klaus. He stepped out to retrieve the ancient Grimoire they needed but before he was even past the gate, he was met by Klaus dressed up for the Opera. He had a wide smile but tense eyes. Kol wasn't foolish enough to believe his brother's sudden appearance was friendly.

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