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ATTENTION: This is being posted on the same day as Chapter 13. Read that one first.

The reason why Klaus spanks Marcel but not Hope: This is a very good question and I'd planned to lead up to that eventually but since I got reviews about it on the last chapter I decided to address it sooner.

Klaus was initially hesitant to spank Marcel as a child but he did it anyway because he thought it would help keep him in line the way Elijah's spankings helped keep his siblings under control. When Marcel grew up and started plotting against him (calling Mikael to New Orleans, stabbing Klaus and biting his siblings, etc) Klaus assumed it was a mistake in his upbringing that lead Marcel to betrayal and resentment. That's the reason he's so hesitant about spanking Hope, he doesn't want to make the same mistake. The first spanking Klaus gave Marcel in the basement was done in anger (in contrast to the first spanking he gave him as a boy which was done out of love). Klaus had deluded himself into believing that he hated Marcel and was only keeping him around to make him suffer before either killing or banishing him permanently. To continue this theme of spanking out of anger Klaus made it a clause in Marcel's Manuel that breaking these nic-picky rules would result in a spanking but obviously after the ordeal with Kol, Klaus is beginning to realize how much he still loves his son and so he can no longer spank him as harshly as he did when he first returned. He will eventually realize that Marcel's childhood spankings are not the reason the man betrayed him later in life but a different reason altogether (that will kinda be cannon but it wasn't elaborated upon in the show as much as it will be in this story) and he will realize as Hope becomes more reckless and impulsive that something must be done.

I hope this was helpful and didn't give too much away about future chapters.

P.S. For all those interested: There will be more Klaus /Hope scenes in the future (in fact the next chapter will have one) so stick around folks.

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