Awakening Pt 1

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So I started writing this story before I found out who they were gonna pick to play Hope and I thought she was gonna grow up to be blonde-haired and blue-eyed but apparently, she's brown-haired and I think brown-eyed too Because I already made her blonde I'm gonna keep her blonde but I don't think I've made any specific comments about her eye color yet so she's gonna be brown-eyed from her out. Just FYI

Chapter 15

"Still hasn't opened his eyes yet, huh," Kol mocked from the doorway of Marcel's bedroom. Rebekah was watching vigilantly over the unconscious man. Marcel had been asleep for a week with no change in his condition. Niklaus stayed by his side for three days straight. On the third night, Elijah practically begged him to return to his life before his kingdom fell into disrepair.

Klaus agreed only on the condition that someone was always there to watch Marcel in his absence and let him know the moment he woke. Rebekah spent almost as much time staring at Marcel's unresponsive face as Klaus did, wishing her lover would wake.

"Not yet," she muttered.

"I think we're wasting our time with this one. We don't know what's wrong with him. He could be in some kind of permanent stasis."

"Have a little faith," Rebekah growled. She didn't need him stating the obvious fear resting on everyone's mind. "Freya will find a cure."

"Would it really be so bad if she didn't? I mean, has the quality of our lives really been enhanced by Marcellus?" He said mockingly.

Rebekah was irritated by Kol's incessant jeering at Marcel's situation. She still hadn't forgiven him for the torture he'd put her lover through.

"Do not stand there and protest as if you didn't once too care about him the same as we do. His 'First Best Friend' is what he used to call you. Where ever the fracas was that's where we would find the pair of you."

"Dear sister, in all the time we've been alive I've found hundreds of rowdy mates to raise Cain with, and not once did I ever develop feelings for any of them."

"Well, you'd better learn to love this one because he will wake up and he will be around forever."

With a huff, Kol left his sister to waste her days like Niklaus.


The guilt of being the reason for Marcel's condition was too much stress for Hope. She was hardly ever at the Compound. All she could think about at home was Marcel lying in bed and Niklaus waiting hopeful beside him.

Instead, she spent most of her time at Sebastian's. In the back of Sebastian's home was a small garden in a room with floor-to-ceiling windows. Although it wasn't the biggest garden, Sebastian's family grew rare plants. Witches would come from all across the country to buy plants from the Dupeaux family.

It was from the Dupeaux family garden that Hope first got the Callum root.

Hayley didn't like Hope spending so much time away from home. She spent twelve years dragging her daughter around the country; she had hoped that once the Mikaelsons were restored her daughter would be able to live a normal life but hiding out away from home because your potentially deceased brother is lying in the bed down the hall from your room was not normal.

Hayley was looking to discuss this with Klaus when she found him surprisingly in the kitchen drinking a glass of tepid tap water.

"Taking a break from your usual post at Marcel's side," she ribbed. "Congratulations. Are you going to be at dinner tonight?"

"Not tonight. I'm watching Marcel."

"But you watched him last night."

"Your point is?"

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