The Rundown

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Chapter 13


"Are you coming to the festival tonight?" the young man lying in the grass beside Marcellus asked.

"Uh, maybe," Marcel responded unsurely. He'd asked Niklaus about going to the festival twice already and both times his father said no. Elijah had it on certain authority that there would be a posse looking for the witch festival tonight and they weren't planning to take any prisoners. Klaus wanted Marcel nowhere near it. Although Marcel had grown into a man, like the rest of the Mikaelsons, his life was still dictated by Niklaus.

Since the Mikaelsons had witch allies, Elijah thought it was their duty to inform them of the posed threat. He tried to warn the witch leaders about the possible raid but they were all confident no one would be able to find them if they didn't want them to.

"You have to come. Witches come from all over New Orleans to participate in the Moonlight Festival. There will be music, dancing...drinking,"

"I know, I know,'s my family. They think it's too dangerous."

The other teen stood and continued to list off all the things Marcel would be missing by not coming to the festival. "Beautiful women, opium, blessings for your family, lucky charms, did I mention the beautiful women."

"Tell that to my father."

"Oh c'mon, you don't have to listen to Klaus anymore. You're eighteen now, you can make your own decisions. My father hasn't told me what to do since I was sixteen."

Marcel took his words into consideration. Although he didn't plan to confront Klaus over going to the festival again he had made up his mind to do what he thought was best and he didn't think going to the festival would be dangerous. So that night when all the Mikaelsons were asleep, Marcel climbed out of his bedroom window and snuck to the festival.

It was just as amazing as everyone described. He drank merrily and danced with every beautiful woman there.

He went home after he'd experienced everything he wanted. He decided to cut through the woods instead of taking the path since it would be quicker. Halfway home he heard screaming coming back from the festival. Not the joyous, carefree screams from before but terrified screams. He ran back to see the tents on fire and a dozen men on horses circling them with shotguns.

Frightened but believing he had no choice but to help, Marcel moved to run back to the festival.

A strong hand on his shoulder kept him in place. He looked up to Niklaus's cold eyes.

"Shh," was all his father said before speeding off to the terrified screams. Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah came speeding past behind him.

The Mikaelsons snatched each man from their horses one by one and compelled them all to leave and believe there was no such thing as witches. Once the men were gone the Mikaelsons worked to put out the fire engulfing the camp and heal the injured.

Once all was right, Klaus returned to his sobering son. He didn't give him a chance to speak before throwing the teen over his shoulder and beginning the long walk home.

"W-wait, I can walk."

Klaus landed a solid spank to Marcel's upturned bottom and growled, "Not another word out of you. You could have been killed tonight. I told you not to go."

"I-I didn't think-"

"I'm sure you didn't. That could be the only explanation for your foolishness." Another spank.

"Ow! But I'm a man now. I should be able to make my own decisions."

Niklaus landed two spanks in rapid succession. "Your first decision as a man nearly got you killed. If this is any indication for how you plan to lead the rest of your life I should never let you out of my sight."

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