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Chapter 10

Kol watched nervously as Niklaus and Rebekah ran out of the party. He could tell by the pained expression on her face that Rebekah knew something and he dreaded that it was about Marcel.

He calmly rushed around the room in search for Freya but his eldest sibling was nowhere to be found at the party so he searched the rest of the Compound. He found her alone with one of the Werewolf royalty in the den beside a roaring fire. It was a romantic sight indeed before Kol burst into the room.

"We have a problem." Kol stated.

Freya pulled away from her rugged suitor to growl, "Can't you see I'm busy, little brother. What do you want?"

Kol was too worried about Klaus finding out what they had done to respond with his normal level of spite. "Rebekah knows. About Marcel. I think she's telling Klaus right now. What are we gonna do?"

Freya's eyes widened with the same fear. She left her date behind and scurried out of the room to her workshop with Kol following close behind her every step.

Freya barged into her workshop unsuspecting of Klaus's presence. Everything was trashed: remnants of the spell she used against Marcel was tossed with reckless abandon about the room along with every other spell she had in place.

"I knew Kol had to have a powerful witch under his thumb in order to complete such a powerfully wicked spell." Klaus spoke with bridled intensity. "I just didn't think it would be my own sister."

"Niklaus," Freya started slowly but she didn't know what to say. Her brother was furious, that was easily enough to see, but she could also so his pain. She knew he was deeply hurt by their betrayal.

"Niklaus," Kol stated seemingly unbothered, hoping to talk his way out of this predicament. "You told us to drive him away. We were just doing as you ordered."

Niklaus gave no warning before he sped across the room, grabbing Kol by the throat, and slamming him against the wall.

"If you thought what you did was right you wouldn't have kept it from me. I should break you in half!"

"Niklaus," Freya grabbed Niklaus' arm and tried to pull it away from Kol as their younger brother struggled for air but Klaus was too strong. Elijah's entrance came as a blessing.

"Nik," he barked. "What is the meaning of this?"

Niklaus released Kol and he dropped to the floor gasping for breath.

"These two have been plotting behind our back! Betrayal once again running deep within my own family!" Niklaus went on to tell Elijah what he knew. Although Elijah was shocked that he didn't know what was going on under in his own home, he wasn't surprised by Kol's actions.

Attempting to defend himself before Klaus decided to put a dagger in him, Kol said, "We were only trying to get the treacherous bastard to run away like Nik wanted."

"Kol," Elijah snapped. "Do us all a favor and shut your mouth."

"I should've known you'd take his side!" Kol barked, his fear quickly replaced with anger. "We spend twelve years bonding, trapped in each other's minds – the most intimate situation you can be in with another person – but I see now that means nothing now that you have the bastard hybrid back."

"That is quite enough, Kol. Now...we have guests downstairs looking for their hosts so it behooves you all to put this issue away until after the party."

Without another word Kol stomped heatedly out of the room.

"He thought he was doing the right thing." Freya defended. "So did I. Marcel is not one of us. He doesn't deserve to be here and he doesn't deserve your forgiveness. We are your family. Not him."

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