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Chapter 7

"What do you mean he's staying here?" Kol fumed. "If you expect me to go on acting as if that traitor didn't try to kill us you've got another thing coming!"

Klaus gathered his siblings and the mother of his child to the drawing room to discuss his new arrangement with Marcel. Freya wasn't sure how to feel about the man's return. She was afraid to trust him but she was also afraid to speak of her distrust: after all, she was technically the newest member of the family. Elijah and Haylee thought it was a splendid idea as they could both tell how much both Marcel and Klaus needed each other. No one was as happy as Rebekah. Elijah forbade her from speaking to Marcel after his banishment was lifted. She sometimes watched him at Rousseau's but she was never allowed to approach him. Now that he lived just down the hall from her there was nothing stopping them from being together.

Only Kol felt a red hot rage boil through his body at the thought of Marcel's return.

"I will rip the flesh from his bone should he even think of turning against us again." Kol barked, spit flying from his flapping mouth.

"Be my guest." Klaus said calmly. "I already promised him death at the first sign of betrayal. Your torture beforehand will only send a clearer message to any enemies who may lurk in the shadows."

Elijah stepped in before his two brothers could go on planning Marcel's end.

"There will be no torturing or killing of Marcel. I believe in his redemption. He came to you asking to be forgiven and we will, all of us, find a way to forgive him."

Rebekah jumped from her spot on the sofa beside Freya to her feet with a mischievous smile on her face. "Well, I for one, will gladly welcome Marcel back into our little family." She said happily.

His frown deepening, Klaus replied, "You will do no such thing. I forbid you from ever being alone with him."

Rebekah's smile immediately vanished. "What?"

"I don't trust him to not...corrupt you."

"You mean you don't trust me to not betray you."

"Well given your track record with him, I can't see a reason I should trust you two together. It seems that whenever you're with him, your only objective is bringing down this family. Or more specifically, me."

"Nik," Rebekah stomped furiously over to her brother, growling, "I agreed with your tyrannical decision to banish him, fearing that I would never see the man that I loved again, but I submitted to your decision for the sake of this family. Now that he's back you expect me to just, what? Avoid him?"

Klaus folded his arms angrily over his chest and replied, "I don't care what you have to do, little sister, but you and Marcel are not allowed to be alone ever again. As a matter of fact, you two aren't allowed to communicate with each other, in any form, if no one is around to monitor it."

Rebekah stomped furiously out of the room. Freya turned to follow behind her sister but Klaus paused her by saying, "Let her go. The rest of us have other matters to attend to. I want to break Marcellus. I want to prove to him what I already know: That if given the chance he would betray me once again without a second thought if it meant regaining his spot on the throne. So I want you all to help me give him a little nudge in that direction."

"Just so we're clear," Elijah started, immediately distrustful of his brother's plan. "You want us to push Marcellus to the break of betrayal?"

"I want you to help him see his true colors. That he is not meant to be subservient to anyone. He was born a fighter. He was meant to be a leader, he always has been."

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