Awakening Pt 3

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Warning: Spanking of a Minor

Tell me more of what you like and don't like. Who do you hate? Who's your favorite? Whatever you want to say, good or bad, I'm listening :D

Chapter 17

Marcel's eyes fluttered open. The warm sun shining against his face through the crack in his curtains woke him just as Niklaus was coming into his room.

"You're awake." Klaus said obviously relieved. Although Freya all but guaranteed him Marcel would wake this time, there was still a part of him that feared he wouldn't.

"What happened?" Marcel asked drowsily.

Klaus explained everything to Marcel as simply as he could and when Marcel found out about the wound on his head he immediately reached up to touch it. He flinched at his own touch and fought the tears daring to breech his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" Klaus asked.

"Only when I touch it." Marcel muttered.

"Well try not to touch it." Klaus teased and Marcel smiled. "I know what will take your mind off of that scar. A nice big sundae."


When Klaus sat the cherry sundae on the kitchen counter in front Marcel the boy didn't know what to think of it. It was ice cream, which he loved, topped with cherries, which he also loved, and a red syrup sauce, which he was skeptical about trying.

Hope sat beside him with a strawberry sundae of her own and unlike Marcel, she started digging in as soon as Klaus finished it.

"Is this blood, poppa?" He asked. It didn't smell like blood but thought maybe it just smelled sweet with the ice cream.

"No, Marcel," Klaus laughed. "It's cherry syrup. Try it. It's good."

Marcel took a small spoonful of ice cream covered in syrup and tasted it. He fell in love with the tasty confection.

When Elijah entered the kitchen, however, Marcel immediately threw his spoon down in the bowl and stared at him with wide, guilty eyes.

"Giving them sweets before lunch," Elijah reprimanded Niklaus. "You're going to spoil their appetite."

"Come off it, Elijah. They had a stressful day. And I'm sure they're going to eat whatever unbearably healthy lunch you want to make for them."

"I had something special planned but after this perhaps some stalks of celery and a small pile of cauliflower is what you all need."

Klaus turned to the children and playfully whispered, "Then maybe we should sneak out for burritos before lunch."

Marcel's nodded vigorously. He didn't know what a burrito was but he was excited to go explore the city more.

"Only kidding, Elijah," Klaus said after receiving a threatening look from his brother. "We will eat whatever you serve for lunch...provided it's not stalks of celery."

Elijah took all three sundaes and put them in the sink.

"Have you spoken to Hope about what we discussed?" Elijah asked as he started preparing lunch.

Kol entered the kitchen just in time to overhear Elijah. "Sounds like I came home at a bad time," He joked sitting at the isle on the other side of Hope. "Is this about her not answering the phone this morning or ditching her body guards again?"

"My client pleads not guilty on all counts," Rebekah joked as she came in with Freya. "It's not her fault these wolves are so easy to lose. You'd think a dog would have a better sense of smell."

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