Definition of Insanity

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Chapter 23

Elijah's slowly pushed open the thin wooden door of the antique record store. It was dark inside but with the light shining through the window, he spotted Kol sitting against the wall with an old record in his hands. He was in tears. Unashamedly and uncontrollably in tears. Elijah walked slowly over to him.

"How'd you find me?" Kol asked.

"You shielded yourself from magic but you forget that your cell phone is just as easily traceable."

Kol smirked. How did he let something so simple slip through the cracks?

"This is where we first met, y'know," He muttered.

"Now, Kol, I think you met in a little birthing shack somewhere in Virgina."

"I meant me and Davina."

"I know," Elijah smirked. He snatched his handkerchief from his pocket and laid it on Kol's raised knee. Kol didn't touch the handkerchief. He wasn't ready to stop crying just yet.

As his brother took a seat beside him, Kol said, "She was carrying this record. Ancient Icelandic Folk music. She was such a brilliant, eccentric girl. Don't know what she saw in a fool like me."

Kol fell into a bout of heavy sobs and Elijah wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Kol pushed his face against his brother's lapel and cried. Elijah felt a crushing guilt for being the reason for his brother's tears. He made the decision to sacrifice Davina to the ancestors, he was the cause of Kol's misery.

"I'm sorry, brother," Elijah said tensely. "This is my fault. We shouldn't have sacrificed Davina. I...I could've found another way. I should've found another way."

"No. I did this to her. Marcel was right. I should've left the city and died rather than come back and hurt the only girl who could make me feel human in a thousand years."

"In a thousand years, dear brother, I have felt love...a few times. And each of them was ripped from me in one way or another. Sometimes even by the hands of our selfish brother. I know your pain," Elijah leaned in closer to Kol and the younger brother fell helplessly into his hold. "I'm sorry," Elijah muttered against his brother's head. "I'm sorry you have to feel this pain. And I'm sorry that you can't take this time to grieve. The wolves have invaded our city and right now Klaus and Haylee are on the front lines defending us but they need us with them."

Elijah stood and held his hand out to Kol. Kol picked up the handkerchief that had fallen to the floor and wiped his tear drenched face. "I'm not going with you."

"I'm not going with you," Kol stated firmly. "I don't care about this city. And I don't care about our so-called family."

Elijah closed his hand and sighed. "Brother, I do understand that you are a bit unsatisfied with the current arrangement of our family but do take a second to think about what you're doing. You're trying to leave the family who has loved you and cared for you for a thousand years."

"I'd hardly say that any of you lot have cared for me in a thousand years. Least of all Niklaus."

"What is the crime that you hold against him? Forgiveness? Keeping a promise that he made to his son two hundred years ago? Being a decent father to the boy he took in and swore to love always and forever?"

"When Marcel betrayed this family he released himself from that vow. He shouldn't have been let back into the family, Elijah, and you know it."

"And what about you and the vows that you broke," Elijah barked. "When this family was divided you were glad to hop from side to side, joining whichever side benefited your agenda at the time. You betrayed us at one point, Kol, but we let you return. We granted you that forgiveness that you consistently refuse Marcellus."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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