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Chapter 2

Marcel left his former home to find sanctuary in Vincent's church. Once there he found other of his loyal followers seeking the same protection, one of those followers was the vampire Josh, once Davina's best friend. He swelled with relief at seeing the young vampire, proud that he managed to escape the Mikaelson's slaughter.

Vincent was kind enough to let Marcel stay at the sanctuary with the provision that he wouldn't bring any trouble to those who stayed there; that included secretly planning to dethrone the Mikaelsons. Marcel agreed but that was a promise he soon intended to break.

He and Josh soon began hatching plans to overthrow the Mikaelsons with a few others at the sanctuary. After weeks of hitting dead ends Marcel's men began to get antsy then one night Josh came to him in a rush.

"Marcel, we've got trouble," Josh said breathlessly. "Klaus's....Klaus's kid...the guys found out she's going to a Halloween dance at the school tonight. They're...they're planning...they plan to get to Niklaus through the kid."

"No!" Marcel jumped up from his seat. "We don't hurt kids!"

"I know that's why I ran back here to tell you. They've already left. We have to go now."

For the first time in weeks, Marcel left the safety of the church. He and Josh rushed to Hope's Middle School.

"You go into the gym, I'll circle the perimeter," Marcel ordered.

He circled around the back of the school and found nothing. Just when he was about to go into the gym to check things out with Josh he heard a girl scream coming from the football field. He sped to the field just in time to see Hope Mikaelson using her Magic against two vampires at once, keeping them subdued. She was with two of her friends, both he recognized as young witches but neither apparently as powerful as Hope.

While Hope was distracted by the two vampires under her control, one of Hayley's werewolves tried to sneak up behind her.

After Hayley left New Orleans her werewolf clan went under new leadership and Marcel convinced the new leader into pledging loyalty to him. Because of that when the Mikaelsons returned most of Hayley's people had to escape to Vincent's sanctuary in order to survive. Once at the sanctuary, Marcel began to convince those same vampires to join his rebellion.

As he sped over to the werewolf on the football field now, he wished he began to regret it.

He tackled the wolf and screamed for the two kids trembling on the ground to run away. The two kids ran over to Hope and pulled her away from the vampires she was subduing. As the teens ran away, the vampires tried to run after them but Marcel held them off on his own.

"Man, we don't hurt kids." He screamed.

"That is Klaus Mikaelson's daughter!" One of them yelled back. "We kidnap her and Klaus will give us the world to get her back."

"Klaus would destroy the world to get her back. He would kill you and everyone at the sanctuary to get her. You are putting good, innocent people in danger."

Angry at his interference, the two vampires and werewolf began to circle Marcel.

"You're not going to stand in our way, Marcel."

The three lunged at their former leader. Marcel fought them off as best he could. He snapped the first vampire's neck in an effort to subjugate his former allies without fatally harming them. He put the werewolf in a headlock, being careful not to touch his teeth, as he fought off the remaining vampire.


Marcel turned at the call of his name to see a fuming Hayley standing in front of Hope and her friends.

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